Thunzen Waters

Deep in the deadlands of Ardi-Kokufa can be found a place of safety known as Thunzen Waters. The settlement sits around a vast underground oasis and is the home territory of one of the largest gangs of Warlords led by Dead Set Culver.   The settlement is nestled in the shadows of a low range of hills deep in the desert. Low stone buildings are arranged around the edge of one of the largest nest of Klomerati tendrils known. The Klomerati that lives at the centre of Thunzen Waters is known as Thunzen and is both ancient and massive. Over its long life it has collected a huge reservoir of water beneath the ground at Thunzen Waters, which has attracted and sustained the growing community there.


The gang known as The Unyielding is mostly comprised of Devilkin and Scrappers.   Unique among the Warlords of the Deadlands, the Unyielding have a strong parternship with the Klomerati Thunzen. Thunzen is large enough to be highly sentient, and often considered an equal leader of the Unyielding as Culver himself.

Industry & Trade

The gang trades water, and some uhd ore, as well as dead bodies to the travelling Usokufa.   They mainatin simple crops to produce fermented and dried fruits and thick liqueurs from the salt plums. They also make flour from the razor grass seeds, which is used to make breads and cakes.   A signature dish within thunzen Waters are Salt plum dumplings, which contain fermented plums wrapped in a soft dough, which are steamed in pots of water.   The fibres of Razor grass are also fleeced and spun and woven into a variety of textiles such as Razor weave.   Like other Warlord gangs of the desert, the Unyielding also raid merchants along the Godswollen River. From this source, the houses of the settlement are adorned with a menagerie of foreign nick-nacks, and the larders often filled with exotic foods and spices from as far away as Novalucca and Glimmertown.


The waters produced by Thunzen keeps the Unyielding alive, and the gang have developed simply piping networks across the settlement that draw waters from Thunzen's reservoir.   The gang also employs a number of Scrappers to mine the hills that surround Thunzen Waters for uhd crystal to feed the Klomerati there and maintain the Oasis, and the rocks and sands used to build and maintain their buildings.


The buildings of Thunzen Waters are made from sandstones and a hardeded mud used as mortar. The buildings can be free standing, but are usually part built into the cliff walls and many will have subteranean basements. Most houses are two or three stories, and constructed to make the most of shaded areas away from the sun. There are few external windows, but often tall internal atriums and courtyards where sunlight is filtered from above, and waters are used to cool and feed more exotic house plants.   These atriums are built to channel winds through the houses, with clever use of layers of curtains which are kept damp from waters from Thunzen's reservoir. These act as a form of evaporative air conditioning, keeping the internal spaces cool despite the oppressive heat outside.

Natural Resources

Water ensures survival, but the true resource is the stores of Uhd ore found beneath the oasis and in the surrounding hills. It is the presence of the ore that powers the growth of the Klomerati and the production of the water.   The water is also used to grow crops of Salt plums and Razor grass in the shade of the cliffs.

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