
A middle-aged goblin seer, and unnoficial leader of the surviving Tokari goblins at Omberstad.   She spends much of his time working in the kitchens of Fort Kustos, employed by Gorias as a simple chef's assistant. Unknown to any non-goblin withoin the town is that she is a respected elder of the Tokari clan, and one of the last surviving Seers of Ashtiri.   Yuchak is getting older now, and can remember as a young woman the failed Mirrorshield heist that saw the death of her cousin Usohati and the exile of Annika Lux. She maintains an uneasy alliance with Annika, and is thankful for her role in the struggle for independance for her people.   She keeps the record of the Kingroups and Kithweaving for the Tokari still living in Omberstad, and although her knowledge is incomplete, she suspects the ancestral connection that Usohati had with the long dead matriarch of the clan, Leoti Windrider.   She would like to see the return of the Mirrorshield of Wala, but not if it means further suffering for those goblins who remain in The Icepen and Ladders.


Yuchak holds a Moji, a simple broom that accompaines her everywhere. It was owned originally by Usohati, and contains remnants of his spirit energy. Through this she can connect with vague and incomplete memories of his time with Annika Lux during the original Mirrorshield Heist.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures

Cover image: by Midjourney


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