Evo Corporation

Ten years ago, Yamatetsu was an established Japanacorp faced with severe problems: a board divided between pro- and anti-metahuman factions, and increasing economic and legal complications from the national government. In the end, the corporation turned its back on Japan and took nearly all of its Japanese assets to Russia, establishing a new corporate headquarters in Vladivostok as both a strategic economic move and a symbolic protest to the blatant prejudices which prevailed at the time. Thousands were left with the choice of leaving the Japanese Empire for a backwater Russian port or facing unemployment, one of the most shameful situations a modern Japanese citizen could face. The move poisoned Yamatetsu’s reputation both among the Japanese populace and its fellow Japanacorps.
Now a decade later, with a new name and an ally in a sympathetic emperor, Evo Corporation is returning home to claim a place for itself. Th e assets that Evo left in Japan were largely autonomous subsidiaries that continued to succeed largely because no one associated them with their parent corporation. Unsurprisingly, these subsidiaries were also staffed by many bitter Japanese loyalists that Evo could not easily place in the newly re-imaged corporation. Evo is faced with the tough reality of having to rely on these rogue subsidiaries to take care of business.
Meetings between Evo directors and the local Japanese managers are colder than a Siberian winter.
— Red Anya
Notably absent from Japan, after acting as the Emperor’s advisor during the reconstruction years, is the kami Buttercup. I keep hearing rumors that she’s active in Tokyo, but none of my sources has actually seen her in months—at least in her girly form. With spirits you never know.
— Kemuri
To complicate the situation further, many of these Japanese Evo subsidiaries are among the more meta-friendly corporations in Japan. This has divided metahumans within Evo, some of whom think that these Japanese subsidiaries are helping the image of Japanese metahumans far more than Evo’s Vladivostok assets could do from a distance. Evo can’t crack down on subsidiaries that are employing Neo-Tokyo’s downtrodden metahuman population without looking like hypocrites in the process.
These fringe Evo subsidiaries have a real chip on their shoulder, but now they also have money and influence from rebuilding contracts the Emperor awarded them for Neo-Tokyo’s metahuman-friendly infrastructure. The struggle on the board is really between the Japanese ultranationalists and the more international-minded faction in Vladivostok. Both are fairly progressive with metahuman hiring standards, but the nationalists pretty much dictate how Evo operates in Japan—if upper management tries to ram their policies through, the entrenched Japanese divisions have a thousand tricks to make them fail. The bigwigs can’t simply fire every troublemaker without shooting themselves in the foot.
— Yankee
Evo is practically synonymous with metahuman-friendly products in Neo-Tokyo, and their Yaguyagu Construction subdivision is responsible for practically all of the dwarf and troll-scale apartments and facilities in Minato and Yokohama wards, while the Shibanokuji Orbital Resort remains one of the most popular vacation destinations for up-and-coming corporate executives.
It’s not talked about that openly, but Evo’s Red Star clinics do a brisk business in cosmetic and implant surgery, primarily to allow metahumans to pose as Japanese humans. Most of the patients are actually children brought in by their parents.
— Mihoshi Oni
They also rake in plenty from the cyberfetish crowd. Cosmetic and cyber mods are all the rage among the too-rich corp brats. As soon as they hit majority they start plugging their bodies with ‘ware on their daddy’s credbalance.
— Janus

AAA Corporation

Subsidiary Organizations


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