
The largest and oldest organized crime syndicate in Neo-Tokyo, the Mita-gumi has suffered considerable setbacks in the last few years. As a member now of the Watada-rengo, the Mita-gumi are reasserting themselves on the streets of Neo-Tokyo, recruiting new members to replace those lost in the Yakuza War and seeking new opportunities to expand.


Th irteen-year-old Hiroshi Mita is the heir apparent to his father’s place as oyabun of the Mita-gumi, a position he will assume when his guardians, the Great Dragon Ryumyo and the dragon’s ally spirit Jurojin, determine his education is complete. Until then, his father’s wakagashira, “Uncle” Hiro Yamajima, acts as kumicho (head of family).
Traditionally, the Mita-gumi has a council of twenty-three wakagashira-hosa, senior kobun who administrate the gumi’s operations in individual prefectures of Old Tokyo, under the direct supervision of the oyabun and the wakagashira. Many of the wakagashira-hosa were assassinated during the Mita-Watada War, and Kumicho Yamajima, a graduate of Harvard Business School, has spent the last year re-organizing and staffing a new twelve-member board of directors, promoting younger members of Yakuza families and even senior kumi-in to fill positions if they possess the skills to get the job done.
Kumicho Yamajima has also begun a recruiting drive, competing with corporations for promising university graduates and scouring the street gangs of Neo-Tokyo for experienced criminals to fill out the ranks of his gumi.


The Mita-gumi’s nawabari covers nearly all of Old Tokyo, but they don’t currently possess the membership to adequately manage this much ground. Since the split they’ve been losing territory to both the Wanibuchi-gumi and Kodachi-gumi.

Principal Operations

The Mita-gumi is one of the most recognizable Yakuza organizations in Neo-Tokyo, a fact that Kumicho Yamajima has capitalized on. Men and women throughout Neo-Tokyo can be seen wearing clothing, toys, and accessories branded with versions the Mita-gumi’s symbol. “Mita-brand” goods are popular, and conditions appear to be favorable for continued marketing, especially to the 19- to 25-year-old demographic.
The Mita-gumi puts a legitimate face on everything from quasi-legal forms of prostitution operating under the fronts of massage parlors, bath houses, online dating services, strip clubs, and the like to the repackaging and selling of cheap optoelectronics. They also front investment bankers in order to engage in loansharking and use sokaiya to blackmail smaller corporations.
The Mita-gumi formerly had a lock on the distribution of BTL chips in Neo-Tokyo, but their production and distribution facilities were prime targets during the Yakuza War, and the lack of funds left the Mita-gumi behind the technology curve. Rather than rebuild the chip trade, Kumicho Yamajima is expanding the gumi’s international smuggling operations, particularly in Latin America through expatriate Yakuza in Peru and Amazonia, to join the Wanibuchi-rengo in the trade of Awakened drugs and illegal magical compounds.


For over a hundred and fifty years, some incarnation of the Mita-gumi (not always under that name) has been present in Tokyo. Oyabun Hoshi Mita was liked and respected by many senior oyabun for his power, independence, and the fierce loyalty he inspired. His closest personal friend and advisor was Jurojin, the ally spirit of the Great Dragon Ryumyo.
The Mita-gumi fought on the losing side of the Yakuza War against the Watada-gumi from 2066 to 2068. Oyabun Watada offered the Mita highly favorable terms of accord, including five million nuyen in reparations for damages. Hoshi Mita agreed to the terms, despite the protests of his kobun and kumi-in, and committed seppuku shortly thereafter, with Jurojin acting as his second and delivering the mercy stroke. This is why it was so surprising that Hoshi’s son, Hiro Mita chose to remain with the Watada-rengo when Jurojin’s band of supporters broke away. I have no proof of this, but I think that there is more to this puzzle than we are seeing. [quote]Beyond the rank-and-file gumi are four tangential players that control precious little by way of illegal operations but still have a stake in how things are run. The story’s a little complex, but about 45 percent of MCT is actually owned by four Komon: Samba Oi (13 percent), Shin Yuruyasu (11 percent), Saigusa Oguramaro (10 percent), and Uehara Akae (10 percent). These old men went from being Mita syndicate under-bosses to some of the richest metahumans on the planet practically overnight, but they still have their giri, or obligations, and so could not cut all their ties with the Yakuza. These men have no interest in kowtowing to either rengo but have on occasion provided assistance to both.|Mihoshi Oni[quote]
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