
In Neo-Tokyo's dynamic landscape, where alliances and neon lights constantly shift, Moriai emerges as a contentious yet intriguing figure. Initially known for supporting the marginalized, particularly orks and trolls, during oppressive times, Moriai's role evolved with Emperor Yasuhito's rise. Transitioning from silence, he now offers jobs with hints of high-level connections, stirring controversy among those who once saw him as a staunch ally. Despite accusations of betraying his roots for power, Moriai's knack for navigating Neo-Tokyo's complex social and political hierarchies renders him invaluable. His current operations, backed by governmental influence, offer greater rewards, positioning him as a crucial, if controversial, fixer. Moriai's story underscores the adaptability required in a world of shifting power dynamics, embodying the essence of a Shadowrun fixer: enigmatic, debated, yet undeniably impactful. His legacy, shaped by the results he delivers rather than public opinion, marks him as a key player in Neo-Tokyo's ongoing narrative of power and survival.
StreetName: Moriai
Name: Unknown
Metatype: Ork (Oni)
Potential Jobs: Local Goverments, Possibly from the State
Connection Rating: 6+


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