Emperor Yasuhito

Emperor Yasuhito is the current ruler of the Japanese Imperial State, known for ushering in the Gen-Yu era, a period of significant change within the realm. As the grandson of Emperor Kenichi, Yasuhito's ascension to the throne was marked by the tragic events of October 21, 2061, when a series of natural disasters, believed to be triggered by a surge in mana or the actions of the dragon Ryumyo, devastated Japan. These catastrophes resulted in the death of Emperor Kenichi and most of his family, paving the way for Yasuhito's coronation at the tender age of 14 on January 5, 2062.   His reign has been characterized by several pivotal decisions, including the revocation of parts of the Yamato Act, thereby allowing foreign corporations to operate within Japan and the repatriation of the exiled kawaruhito from Yomi Island. These moves, coupled with his reinstatement as a divine emperor, have shifted power dynamics and stirred political unrest. Yasuhito has also aligned with Shinto Shamans and Kami Spirits to transform Tokyo into Neo-Tokyo and has formed significant alliances, most notably through his marriage to Hitomi Shiawase, a union that has strengthened his position despite initial controversies.   Yasuhito is depicted as highly intelligent, demonstrating remarkable cunning and political acumen, contrary to earlier beliefs that he would be merely a puppet ruler. His personal history includes a dramatic rescue during the Unzen Volcano eruption by the free spirit Buttercup, who had an interest in promoting a metahuman-friendly leader due to Yasuhito's familial connections to Oni siblings. This aspect of his life has contributed to a bias that has furthered the agendas of certain entities within Japan.   Despite making enemies, notably within Japan for his progressive stances and the dilution of traditional power structures, Yasuhito enjoys widespread public support. His policies and actions have not only challenged the status quo but also navigated complex political landscapes, earning him allies such as Shinto shamans, Shiawase Corporation, Evo Corporation, and even the dragon Ryumyo, against opposing forces like Mitsuhama Computer Technology, Renraku Computer Systems, and others.
Metatype: Human
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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