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Mr. Zelig McGee

Written by: Null Kit

  Our line of work takes us far away from the public eye at the best of times, but it would be an absolutely half-witted notion to think this means we should no longer care about how the life of the local everyman changes as events go by. Whenever something comes about, the value of having an outsider's opinion on it simply cannot be underestimated, and with our latest addition to the Cabinet it seems our ever forward-thinking Barkeep agrees with this sentiment greatly.   Ouzo is something of a fixer, but not in the same way as most. Many of his 'contacts' are the patrons of our gastro-pub, who have information and opinion extracted from them by way of an open bottle and a sympathetic ear. No doubt being an awakened individual helps with this, but his own ability to 'coincidentally' lose his way and walk in on things he shouldn't has also given him a sizeable knowledge on otherwise obscure things. We'll make a shadowrunner from him yet.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Having procured Zelig's medical information from his former arcology (and made sure ours is the only copy while I was there), I can say with fair confidence that Zelig's health follows the same reverence of the Fool's Tarot as his general history, having acquired and survived decades worth of maladies and infections in the span of aproximately ten years. Appropriately for an awakened individual, Zelig posesses minimal augmentative-surgery; the only one our in-house doctor was able to find and corroborate with prior records was in the form of small-scale transplants of abnormal/defective organs.   On a tangental note: Having once set foot in Ouzo's private apartment, I felt like I was suffocating. The man breathes pure air, he has more plants than apartment in his apartment... I don't know ho,. they all grow in coffee cups or cooking pots. Most likely a sensitivity to pollution, not unknown in awakened individuals, I must inquire further.
It tracks, the guy who's never seen sunlight and is more Funyun than man can't handle fresh air.
— Blyat-Country

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The barkeep certainly loves bringing mysteries into our fold. Either that, or the background of this individual that calls themselves 'Zelig' is as nondescript as it seems at first glance, and his introduction into the Cabinet is a coincidence, but to trust coincidence is to court ignorance. But enough of my speculation, this data-cache is struggling with objectivity as is.   Zelig himself is quite vocal of his upbringing being nondescript, if less stable than what was desired. Born to conservative corporate-citizens in the Aztechnolgy Teocalli Arcology , educated in IT and matrix-solutions, began transitioning via HRT in the 70s and a personal record blemished only by acquittances of petty-theft and breaking-and-entering, and only the latter of which is of any legitimate relevance to his contemporary employment: For whatever reason, Zelig has acquired for himself a very unusual talent for getting lost and stumbling upon an almost incredulous amount of compromising and restricted areas, seemingly by mistake.   Aztechnology tolerated these incidents about as well as you would expect them to: with discreet but overwhelmingly violent enthusiasm. Their plan to ambush and silence Zelig was competant by all, but failed to take into consideration just how prodigous this man was at losing his way, unknowingly evading the ambush and leaving the arcology in its entirety. Putting two and two together, Zelig finally realised his welcome within the ranks of Aztechnology had been worn out, and for lack of better alternatives, struck out on his own to find a new life.   I'm told that Zelig made it a whole four hours before he was mugged and chased down a few blocks by bored go-gangers.   Fate once again took mercy on Zelig, however, when he wound up outside the 7 Bones Gastro with a ribcage full of fractures and a wallet full of empty. After hearing his story, our commiserating Barkeep took pity and offered Zelig a job and a roof over his head, in exchange for the knowledge of what he witnessed that led to Aztechnology signing off on his life. After all, one good turn deserves another, even if there wasn't much choice in it.   Following then, Zelig has been working on behalf of the Barkeep under the alias of Ouzo, making sure his bar is staffed when matters call him to the backrooms and supplying a steady stream of information from the gastro's customers.


He finds this amusing, for some reason I've yet to figure out, but the jokes he makes about it are pretty funny...
— Anonymous Poster


Zelig is a high-school graduate and holds a bachelor's degree from Aztechnology school of IT and Commerce, unusual for an awakened individual but evidently of no real concern. Must look into.  
He's also a certified project manager, the kind I'd hate working for...
— Tahoma


Formerly assistant System-Administrator of the Aztechnology Hueyi Teocalli, but is of now a full-time bartender at the 7 Bones Gastro.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Connection Rating


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