
The Antediluvians are ancient and incredibly powerful vampires, believed to be among the earliest of their kind. They are named after the biblical term "antediluvian," referring to the time before the Great Flood.

According to vampire mythology, the Antediluvians are the childer (offspring) of the second generation of vampires, who in turn were sired by Caine, the first vampire. Each Antediluvian is the progenitor of one of the thirteen major vampire clans, and their bloodlines flow through all the vampires of that clan.

The Antediluvians are shrouded in mystery and legend. They are believed to be in a deep state of slumber or hiding, exerting their influence through their descendants and waiting for the prophesied time of Gehenna, the vampire apocalypse. During Gehenna, it is foretold that they will awaken and consume their own descendants, leading to cataclysmic events.

The concept of the Antediluvians is central to vampire lore and politics. Some vampires revere them almost as gods, while others question their existence altogether. The shadow of the Antediluvians looms large in vampire society, influencing beliefs, fears, and power dynamics among the Kindred.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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