
Gehenna is a term used by vampires to describe the prophesied end of the world (for them). It's a concept filled with apocalyptic imagery and dire warnings, often referred to as the "Time of Thin Blood" or the "Final Nights."

According to the prophecy, Gehenna marks a time when the eldest vampires, known as the Antediluvians, will awaken from their long slumber. These ancient and incredibly powerful beings will then consume their descendants, leading to a series of catastrophic events that could result in the destruction of all vampires and possibly the world itself.

The belief in Gehenna varies among vampires. Some see it as a literal, impending doom, while others consider it a metaphor or even a myth. It's a topic of fear, speculation, and debate within the vampire society, and it influences many of the decisions, politics, and behaviors of the Kindred, as vampires refer to themselves. Different sects and clans may interpret and respond to the concept of Gehenna in unique ways, reflecting their individual beliefs, traditions, and agendas.

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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