Fionn Mac Cionaoith (fiˈoʊnə məˈkɛn ə)

Fionn - Mac Cionaoith (a.k.a. Fiona)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born prior to the Desmond Rebellionsin Ireland, Fiona was groomed to become a dancer of ballet, a new style of dance originating in Italy and popular with the Queen of France. She was embraced during the Nine Years War. She was an active participant in all of the various uprisings throughout the years and worked as an agent for the then newly established Irish Republican Armyduring the Irish War of Independencein 1919.

By the end of the war in 1921, she made the decision to travel to New York, her hopes of a liberated Ireland all but snuffed out. Immersing herself in the culture and economic prosperity of the Roarin' 20s, she came to own The Ear Inn, hosting a variety of famous and infamous performers. It was during this time she met her childe, Aoibhe , a young woman with aspirations to be a dancer.

In the years after prohibition, Fiona and Aoibhe traveled across the country, often ensconcing themselves into any burgeoning dance culture in the city they were in. After the decline of swing and bored of such fads as hand jive and bop, they found a place in the development of contemporary dance before joining the disco invasion of the late 70s.

The evolution of dance proceeded at breakneck pace over the next three decades and Fiona eventually found herself in New Eindie. Together with Cecilia le Brun , they hosted a variety of high society theatre events. Unfortunately, both Toreador had designs on a young prodigy and the ensuing rivalry ended with the Fiona's Final Death.

Aoibhe McKenzie
Current Status
Final Death
Date of Birth
28 November
Date of Death
6 November 1596
1579 AD 2019 AD 440 years old
Place of Death
New Eindie
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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