The Camarilla

Founded in the 15th century, the Camarilla is one of the major factions in modern vampire society. The most organized of the vampiric sects, they are essentially a governing body for many vampires. They operate on a global scale, holding power in many major cities around the world. They uphold six ancient laws known as "the Traditions," and are particularly invested in maintaining the "Masquerade," which is the First Tradition of concealing the existence of vampires from humanity.

Their culture is characterized by politics, power games, and a complex system of favors and debts known as "Prestation." They also have a longstanding conflict with another vampire faction known as the Sabbat, who reject the Masquerade and seek to rule humanity openly.

In essence, the Camarilla is about maintaining order, tradition, and secrecy within the World of Darkness. Once the Camarilla welcomed all Kindred who obeyed its laws, but recent events have caused the leadership to adopt more exclusive membership rules. No Anarchs, Caitiff, or thin-blooded vampires are allowed to exist within the sect.


The Camarilla is structured around a feudal system, with a variety of roles and responsibilities to manage its organization. The key roles in most Camarilla-claimed cities are:

  • Prince: The Prince is the ruler of a particular city. The position is not hereditary; it's usually taken by force, negotiation, or intricate planning. Princes hold the power of life and death over every Kindred in their domain and are responsible for upholding the Traditions, including the Masquerade, within their city.
  • Primogen: The Primogen are a council of elders who advise the Prince and represent the interests of the various clans within the city. While the Prince is theoretically an autocratic ruler, a well-organized Primogen can significantly influence or even undermine a Prince's rule.
  • Seneschal: The Seneschal is usually the right hand of the Prince, serving as the Prince's primary advisor and often acting as a deputy or successor. Their role varies greatly depending on the Prince, ranging from a powerless figurehead to the power behind the throne.
  • Sheriff: The Sheriff is the enforcer of the Prince's laws and commands. They are responsible for punishing those who break the Traditions and, in some cases, hunting down and destroying those who threaten the Masquerade.
  • Keeper of the Elysium: The Keeper is responsible for maintaining the Elysium, neutral ground where violence is forbidden and Kindred can gather for social and political discourse. They enforce the Elysium's rules and can punish those who break them.
  • Scourge: The Scourge's primary duty is to hunt down and destroy any unauthorized or uncontrolled fledgling vampires within the city. Their role is often feared and loathed by the city's Kindred.
  • Harpy: The Harpies are the gossip mongers and social arbiters of the Kindred. They can often make or break reputations with their words. While not a formal position, a skilled Harpy can have significant influence.
Each city has its own internal politics and power dynamics, and the details can vary widely. The structure of the Camarilla helps to uphold the Masquerade and maintain the delicate balance of power within Kindred society.


The Camarilla is steeped in a culture of tradition, hierarchy, and secrecy. Key aspects of this include:

  • Tradition and Secrecy: The cornerstone of Camarilla culture is the Masquerade, the policy of hiding the existence of vampires from humans. Members are expected to uphold the Masquerade at all costs. The Six Traditions, ancient laws governing vampire society, are also held in high regard and enforced by the Camarilla. Secrecy and discreet manipulation of mortal society are highly valued skills within the Camarilla.
  • Hierarchy and Politics: The Camarilla is hierarchical, with elders and those of high clan generally commanding respect from their juniors or those of lower clan. However, cunning and ambition can allow Kindred to rise in the ranks, and many cities are rife with political maneuvering and power plays. This also means that every member of the Camarilla has a place and a role, whether they like it or not.
  • Games of Prestation: Prestation is the system of favors and debts that underpins much of Camarilla's social and political interactions. Kindred rarely do anything for free, and favors given or received are remembered and expected to be repaid. These transactions can be as simple as providing information or as complex as pledging support in a political power play. The intricate web of owed favors is often referred to as the "Games of Prestation". Manipulating this system successfully can often mean the difference between gaining power or falling from favor. It's a fundamental part of navigating Camarilla politics and society.
  • Elysium: The concept of Elysium, a neutral ground where Kindred can gather for discourse and where violence is forbidden, is a significant aspect of Camarilla culture. Elysium often takes place in culturally or historically significant locations, and these gatherings serve as the primary venue for social and political interaction among the Kindred.
  • Conflict with the Sabbat: A significant part of Camarilla culture is the ongoing conflict with the Sabbat, a sect of vampires that rejects the Masquerade and human culture. The Camarilla sees itself as the defender of Kindred society against the chaos and brutality of the Sabbat.
  • Survival and Power: Ultimately, Camarilla culture is about survival. It's about navigating the treacherous politics of Kindred society and living to see another night. Power is respected and sought after, whether it's in the form of political influence, potent blood, or sheer physical strength.

The Red List

The Red List are a group Kindred often referred to as Anathema and classified by the Inner Circle as grave dangers and whose destruction is one of the first priorities, should they show themselves. Members of the Red List are often powerful, influential or otherwise expertised, although some have made the simple mistake of inviting the ire of the wrong Kindred. Specialized Archons called Alastors hunt the Anathema and anyone associated with them. Slaying an Anathema grants the responsible Kindred a major boon, a so-called Trophy.

To be put in the Red List, two Justicars have to agree to prosecute a truly monstrous action, preferably with witnesses or proofs of the deeds done. These Justicar bring the name before the next meeting of the Inner Circle and when all assembled representatives agree on the danger of the accused, the name is put on the list.

Public Agenda

To protect the Masquerade, the Camarilla ensures that mortal populations are not unduly harmed by vampire activities.


The Camarilla was officially founded in 1435 in response to the Inquisition, a mortal movement hunting and destroying vampires throughout Europe. The founders of the Camarilla were seven vampire clans (Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, and Ventrue) who decided to band together for mutual protection and to preserve their way of life in the face of the growing threat. The Camarilla enforced the Masquerade, a policy of hiding the existence of vampires from humans, as their primary strategy to counteract the Inquisition.

Over the following centuries, the Camarilla expanded its influence worldwide. Using their powers of persuasion and control, members of the Camarilla infiltrated every level of human society. They manipulated politics, business, and culture to maintain the Masquerade and protect their interests.

During the late 19th and 20th centuries, the Camarilla faced new challenges. The Anarch Revolt in the 1940s and the growing threat of the Sabbat, a rival vampire sect, put the Camarilla on the defensive. Despite these threats, the Camarilla has managed to retain its position as one of the most dominant forces in the world of vampires.

Mythology & Lore

The Camarilla recognizes Caine as the First Vampire, but downplay the significance of the Antediluvians. As an organization, the Camarilla flatly denies the prophecies surrounding Gehenna, if only because of the very genuine concern that such ideas may cause individuals to become paranoid, irrational, and even join a Gehenna cult. While very few Kindred would profess to believing in stories of the End Times, many also grow nervous upon seeing signs and portents that seem to appear with frequency in the Final Nights.

The Camarilla's stance is one of the primary reasons the Sabbat claims that the Camarilla is in fact controlled by the Antediluvians and actively serving their interests. Though unlikely that the Camarilla is directly controlled by outside forces, it does appear that even the most knowledgeable and powerful members of the Ivory Tower refuse to make any preparations for the possibility of Gehenna.

In modern times, questions of faith are more prominent inside the Camarilla, with various vampires following mortal religions, performing ancestor (or Antediluvian) worship, or joining a more arcane cult, heresy, or order. Further, some suggest that the Camarilla does not prepare for Gehenna out of disbelief, but rather the expectation that should the Ancients rise, they will favor the old and elitist sect.

Founding Date
1435 CE
Secret, Government
Alternative Names
The Ivory Tower
Ruling Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

Banu Haqim

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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