
The Regent is the highest-ranking official within the Sabbat. They holds ultimate authority over the Sabbat's activities and are responsible for guiding the overall direction of the sect. The role includes overseeing political strategy, managing relationships between various factions and clans within the Sabbat, and maintaining the sect's unity and commitment to its core principles.

The Regent often works closely with other high-ranking members of the Sabbat, such as the Prisci (elder advisors), to ensure that the sect's goals are met and that its members adhere to the Path of Enlightenment, a moral code unique to the Sabbat that emphasizes vampiric supremacy and the rejection of human values. The position is one of great power and responsibility, reflecting the sect's complex hierarchy and commitment to its radical beliefs and practices.


To become Regent, you must depose the current regent.


The Regent's duties include:
  • Oversee all matters of the Pack;
  • Handle all disputes that cannot be resolved by the Cardinals or Prisci;
  • Has the authority to make/break alliances and declare enemies;
  • Has all powers regarding promotion and demotion of anyone in the Sabbat;
  • May remove the Initiated status from a lower-ranked member of the Sabbat;
  • Member of the Consistory with full voting power.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Regent rules until overthrown.

Source of Authority
By right of Power
Length of Term
Related Organizations

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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