The Sabbat

The Sabbat is a sect of vampires that prides itself on embracing their true nature as predators. They refuse to cling to their former humanity and often view humans as mere sustenance. They exist in a state of ongoing rebellion against the Antediluvians and by extension the Camarilla  and other "traditional" vampire societies (as they are, at best, witless pawns of the Antediluvians).

Their structure is militaristic, operating in small units called packs which are often preparing for Gehenna, an upcoming apocalyptic event where the Antediluvians will rise to consume their descendants. Their methods are often brutal and they're known for their disregard for the Masquerade, the vampire law that enforces hiding their existence from humans.


Contrary to its reputation for embracing the beastly nature of vampires, the Sabbat in is a highly organized sect with a firm hierarchy. The organizational structure of the sect is as follows:

  • Regent: At the very top of the Sabbat hierarchy is the Regent, the individual with ultimate authority over the entire sect.
  • Prisci: These are the advisors to the Regent and are typically very old and powerful vampires. They often represent different factions or interests within the Sabbat.
  • Cardinals: Cardinals are in charge of large geographical regions, such as North America or Europe. They are responsible for managing the Sabbat's activities and enforcing its laws within their territories.
  • Archbishops: Archbishops govern over a city or smaller region within the territory of a Cardinal. They are responsible for the local implementation of the sect's laws and policies.
  • Bishops : Bishops assist the Archbishops, typically managing specific areas or tasks within a city.
  • Priests: Priests lead individual packs, which are the basic organizational units of the Sabbat. They are responsible for the spiritual and moral guidance of their pack members.
  • Ductus: Each pack also has a Ductus, who serves as the pack's leader in a more secular sense, making decisions and leading the pack in battles or missions.
  • Pack Members: The basic members of the Sabbat belong to packs. These vampires follow the leadership of their Ductus and Priest.
  • Black Hand: Parallel to this structure, there's the Black Hand, a secret society within the Sabbat that serves as a sort of special forces unit. They report directly to the Regent and are often involved in important missions or conflicts.
Despite this structure, the Sabbat is less rigid than the Camarilla, and the hierarchy can be fluid. Positions are often won through might and the sect encourages infighting as a form of survival of the fittest. The Sabbat values loyalty to the sect and the freedom of the Beast, seeing themselves as the true vampires unshackled by the pretense of humanity.


Sabbat culture differs greatly from other sects:

  • Monstrosity and Freedom: The Sabbat celebrate the monstrous nature of vampires. They reject the need to hide behind a human facade and instead encourage members to embrace their vampire nature and the freedom that it offers. This often results in a more bestial, unrestrained behavior compared to other sects.
  • Ritual and Ceremony: The Sabbat is known for its numerous, often gruesome, rituals. These range from the Vaulderie, a blood-sharing ritual that strengthens the bonds between pack members, to creation rites and even fire dances. These rituals help solidify the bonds between members and reinforce their shared beliefs and goals.
  • Pack Mentality: Sabbat vampires usually operate in small, tightly-knit groups known as packs. These packs are often closer to each other than typical vampires, largely due to shared blood from the Vaulderie. Packs often develop their own subcultures and customs, leading to a diverse range of practices within the Sabbat.
  • Survival of the Fittest: The Sabbat strongly believes in the principle of survival of the fittest. Positions of power are often taken by force, and infighting is common. This ruthless competition is seen as a way to ensure that the strongest lead the Sabbat.
  • Militaristic Zeal: The Sabbat often behaves more like a religious crusade or an army than a political sect. They have a fervent belief in their cause and are often highly disciplined and militaristic, especially when dealing with external threats or during their crusades against other sects.
  • Disregard for the Masquerade: Unlike the Camarilla, the Sabbat often openly flaunts the supernatural abilities of its members. While they don't openly reveal their existence to humanity, they generally don't go to the same lengths as the Camarilla to hide their nature.
Of course, this is a broad overview, and the culture can vary between different packs, cities, and regions.

Public Agenda

he Sabbat seeks to liberate vampire society from the threat of the Antediluvians, while promoting the embrace of their vampiric nature and liberation from human moral constraints.


The seeds of the Sabbat were planted during the Anarch Revolt in the late Middle Ages, when younger vampires rose against their oppressive elders in a bloody rebellion. The revolt was initially successful, but it ultimately led to the Convention of Thorns, where the nascent Camarilla sect brokered peace and reinforced the feudal structure of vampire society. However, some of the rebels rejected the peace terms and the authority of the Camarilla. This group, known as the Anarchs at the time, fled and continued their rebellion. They saw themselves as the true successors of the original revolt, fighting against the tyranny of the Antediluvians and their puppet Elders.

Over time, this rebel faction evolved into the Sabbat. They fortified their ranks with two powerful clans, the Lasombra and the Tzimisce, who had also rejected the Camarilla's authority. Together, they shaped the Sabbat's core philosophy and structure, positioning it as a powerful counterpoint to the Camarilla.

Since then, the Sabbat has been a prominent player in vampire society, actively working to liberate Kindred from the control of the Antediluvians and to prepare for the prophesied Gehenna, the end of vampire kind. They've engaged in several brutal conflicts with the Camarilla and other factions, known as the Sabbat-Camarilla Wars, and their aggressive, often violent tactics have earned them a fearsome reputation.

Mythology & Lore

The Sabbat take vampire mythology very seriously. Caine is viewed as the First Vampire, the progenitor of their kind, and his story is central to many Sabbat rituals and rites. Unlike the Camarilla, which often dismisses these as myths, the Sabbat generally accepts the legends of Caine as fact. Though some within the Sabbat see Caine as a figure of reverence or fear, others view him as a symbol of their own vampiric potential.

Following from that, the Sabbat strongly believe in the existence of the Antediluvians, viewing these ancient vampires as a real and present threat. To them, the Antediluvians are tyrants, using their descendants as pawns in their twisted power games. Thus, the prophecy of Gehenna is taken very seriously by the Sabbat who see themselves as the primary force prepared to prevent or survive it.

These beliefs underpin much of the Sabbat's philosophy and culture. The threat of Gehenna serves as a unifying and motivating factor for many within the Sabbat and their mission is largely based on fighting the Antediluvians and the control they exert over vampire society.

In nomine Caine; et Patris, et Gladius, et Sanguis Sancti

Founding Date
Secret, Religious sect
Alternative Names
The Sword of Caine
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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