
Attribute: Empathy
This is the ability to hear things beyond normal hearing distances, even through sound-deadening obstacles. The psionic must concentrate and do nothing else while using this power (though he can use Clairvoyance in tandem with this power), and must know the location of the target point he wants to hear. The task is always Standard difficulty. The amount of area seen and the range depends on the success. The psionic hears a basic radius of his Clairaudience level in meters, at a distance of his power level in meters.
  For each stage of success above Basic, the psionic may (I) use the stage to increase the radius of Clairaudience by adding it to 1 and using that sum as a multiplier of his basic radius-i.e., using one stage for increased radius would double the base radius, two stages would triple the base radius, etc., (2) use the stage to increase the range of. Clairaudience by adding it to 1 and using that sum as a power to the base range-i.e., using one stage for increased range would square the base range, two stages would cube the base range, etc., or (3) use a combination of options 1 and 2-e.g., with a Stage Six success (5 stages above Basic), the psionic can use 2 stages +1 (3) as a multiplier of radius, then using the remaining 3 stages + 1 (4) as an exponent of range. This can make the range quite impressive indeed. For example, a psionic with a Clairaudience of 15, applying every success from a Stage Six success to range, could hear something (5 stages +1 = 6; 156= 11,390,625 meters; 11,390,62511000=) 11,390 kilometers away, in a spherical radius of 15 meters. Or, if he wanted to use these in combination, he could take 2 stages, add 1 for a sum of 3, and hear a radius of (2 stages+l= 3; 15x3=) 45 meters at a distance of (3 stages+l= 4; 154= 50,625 meters; 50,62511000=) 50 kilometers. The Clairaudience remains in operation at that target point unless the psionic breaks concentration.   *Psionic


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