
Attribute: Empathy
The psionic "sees" with his mind's eye a vision of distance occurrences. Nothing can block this power, except being in another dimension-psionic clairvoyance cannot see past space-time barriers. The psionic must concentrate and do nothing else while using this power (although Clairaudience can be used in tandem with this power), and must know the location of the target point he wants to see. The task is always Standard: Clairvoyance. The area seen and the range depend on the success, using the same procedure as described for Clairaudience, above.
  Clairvoyance remains in operation at that target point unless the psionic breaks concentration. Clairaudience and Clairvoyance can be used as one combined operation. If this is done, use the lower of the two skills to test and determine power levels.     *Psionic


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