Experimental PSI Drugs

Over the years, MKULTRA scientists and other researchers have developed a battery of designer drugs that augment psychic powers. Each year, the developers increase the potency and duration of these drugs and seek ways to minimize their side effects. The job is not done — all of the psi drugs still retain some form of unpleasant and sometimes lethal side effects. The character has immediate access to supplies of psi drugs. The first vial requires a Routine Persuasion check, and each additional vial requested in the same week increases the difficulty check by one step. Delivery time is dependent on the distance from a storage facility. If within a state or two, delivery time is D6 x 2(6) hours. Delivery anywhere else within the United States is up to 24 hours (D6 x 4(12) or Referee's call). Delivery to another country increases the difficulty check by one step and the length of time is D6 x 2(6) days. Each vial contains enough psi drugs for six doses.


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