Graduate University

Advancing Knowledge through Specialized Education

A graduate university is an institution of higher education that offers advanced academic programs beyond the undergraduate level. It serves as a center of intellectual inquiry and research, providing specialized education and training in specific disciplines to prepare students for advanced professional and scholarly pursuits.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree , Education 7+, or Intelligence 7+
Skills: Four levels per Term in any one specialty, plus a total of two levels in any electives.
Contacts: One per term, Academic or Government. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, the contact is foreign.
Other Effects: +1 Edu (after all skills have been awarded).
No commissions, promotions or special duty rolls are made.
The first term provides a masters degree; each subsequent term provides a doctorate (or equivalent) Degrees must be taken in one specialties noted above. Characters who specialize in Persuasion are granted master’s degrees or doctorates in Communication.
No Resource Points, Influence or Pulling Strings received received while attending graduate school. Graduate university may be selected for as many terms as desired.  

Impact and Importance:

  Graduate universities play a vital role in advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and developing highly skilled professionals in a wide range of disciplines. They contribute to the intellectual and cultural growth of society by expanding the frontiers of knowledge, addressing critical research questions, and providing specialized expertise in various fields.
  Graduate education enables individuals to pursue specialized careers, become leaders in their respective fields, and contribute to the betterment of society. Graduates of these programs often become researchers, professors, industry experts, policymakers, and professionals who shape the trajectory of their disciplines and make significant contributions to society's development.
  Furthermore, graduate universities serve as hubs of collaboration, bringing together diverse perspectives, talents, and expertise. They foster interdisciplinary approaches, encouraging the integration of knowledge across fields and facilitating innovative solutions to complex problems.
  Graduate universities also contribute to the economic development of regions by attracting talent, fostering entrepreneurship, and creating partnerships with industries and organizations. Their research and innovations drive technological advancements, spur economic growth, and address societal challenges through evidence-based solutions.

Key Characteristics:

  • Advanced Specialization: Graduate universities offer programs that delve deeply into specific fields of study, allowing students to specialize and gain expertise in their chosen disciplines. These programs often include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and professional degrees tailored to meet the demands of various industries and academic fields.
  • Research and Scholarship: Graduate universities prioritize research and scholarly inquiry as integral components of academic advancement. They provide opportunities for students to engage in original research, contribute to knowledge creation, and collaborate with faculty members and experts in their respective fields.
  • Intellectual Rigor: Graduate education emphasizes critical thinking, analytical skills, and intellectual rigor. Students are encouraged to explore complex theories, analyze data, and develop advanced problem-solving abilities relevant to their disciplines. They engage in intellectual discourse and contribute to the advancement of knowledge through academic dialogue.
  • Mentorship and Collaboration: Graduate universities foster close relationships between students and faculty mentors. Professors and advisors provide guidance, mentorship, and support to students as they navigate their academic journeys, offering expertise and facilitating collaborations on research projects or scholarly endeavors.
  • Professional Development: Graduate universities often offer professional development opportunities to enhance students' skills and prepare them for careers in academia, research, industry, or other professional fields. These may include workshops, internships, industry partnerships, or specialized training programs.
  • Contribution to Society: Graduate universities contribute to society by producing highly skilled professionals, researchers, and thought leaders who address complex societal challenges. The research and innovations generated within graduate programs often have practical applications and contribute to advancements in various sectors, from technology and healthcare to social sciences and humanities.


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