Mind Control Drugs

In secret, MKULTRA scientists have created a stable and effective series of mind-altering drugs. These drugs act quickly (within a few Turns) and may be administered through ingestion, contact, or injection. Although the primary effects are damaging enough, scientists have succeeded in eliminating all but the most insignificant side effects. A drugged person must make a Standarad Willpower check with a step penalty equal to the number of doses applied. If this check fails, the victim suffers the effects of the particular drug for one hour per dose. The character must succeed at a Routine Admin/Legal check to secure four vials (six doses per vial) immediately. If additional vials are sought within a one-week period, apply a one step penalty for each. Delivery time is dependent on how far from the nearest MKULTRA storage area the character is. If in the same town or city, the drugs are delivered or dropped off in an hour. Delivery within the same country is 24 hours (or less if the Referee feels it could get there more quickly). In another country, the request roll is penalized by one step and the time is two days. The Referee and player can determine the exact drug effects, but all produce some mental drawbacks, such as Amnesia, Emotional Problems, Flashbacks, Psychological Problems, Sleep Disorders, etc.


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