Mind Shield

Attribute: Empathy
This is the power of the psionics' will, intensified by the power of the mind. It is the psionic defense that makes them so fearsome to other empaths. In order to use it, the psionic has to pass a Willpower test, with the difficulty level lowered by two levels. (For instance, a psionic under severe stress would test at Standard: Willpower instead of the appropriate Impossible difficulty.) This is the first skill most psionics learn, and is ingrained as a conditioned reflex to attack.
  While using Mind Shield, the psionic cannot use any other psionic or empathic skill. The exception is that the psionic can "transfer" the shield to another person with whom the psionic has established a telepathic link, protecting that person. Once the link is in place, the Mental Shield can be erected in the next combat phase, and then transferred in the following phase.
  The effect of the Mind Shield skill is added to the subject's Willpower for the purposes of resisting empathic attacks and probes. The skill cannot be used unless the psionic has at least 1 point of actual skill in Mind Shield; there is no default.     *Psionic


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