Psionic Scan

Attribute: Empathy
Psionics are sensitive to the mental emanations of other empaths. These "empathic waves" are as visible to a psionic's trained mind as heat waves rippling over a highway are to the naked eye. The skill test is Average, and a successful psionic can then sense all practicing empaths (anyone or anything with an Empathy or empathic skill of 4 or more) within a radius equal to the Psionic Scan skill in meters, centered on the psionic. Also, the psionic can tell if each em path is using empathic abilities at the time. Additional stages of success past Basic double this radius, so a psionic with Psionic Scan 10 would have a radius of 10 meters at Basic Success, 20 meters at Stage Two, 40 meters at Stage Three, 80 meters at Stage Four, and so on.
  An empath being scanned can hide from it. Mystics have their own method of hiding psychically. Other empaths have to rely on their Willpower. If a target empath's Willpower reduces the power level of a psionic scan to 0 or lower, the scan will not detect the empath. Please note that this doesn't stop the scan from discovering other empaths, it just keeps the scan from locating the one with the high Willpower.     *Psionic


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