
Psychotrons are psychically active devices. An Conspiracy agent may have access to two separate types — Project Mind's Eye devices and Grey lenses — but these are by no means the only ones in existence. Other psychotrons might be devised by corrupted beings or isolated innovators. Each is a rare and powerful item.
    Since The Conspiracy subsumed Project Mind's Eye, psychotrons have become available to all cells. Even so, First Order psychotrons remain almost exclusively in Mind's Eyes hands, and in general only Mind's Eyes scientists have the ability to create the highest-order psychotrons.
    Mind's Eye psychotrons are classified in three orders. Third Order psychotrons are the least powerful, First Order the most. Each is powered by psychic energy and must be charged before use. Triggering a psychotron requires merely a moment’s concentration by a psychically active person (anyone with PSI 1 or greater). Further, a device is almost always dedicated to one psychic power and must be charged by those capable in that discipline.
  Referees and players can devise psychotrons as they see fit. They are capable of any feat accomplishable by psychic power.


These devices are simple and relatively common. They are little more than psychic toys, but some agents have found practical uses for them. They are charged automatically by being close to a life force. It takes 24 hours near a human, 48 hours near an animal, or 72 hours near a plant to place one charge in a Third Order psychotron. Where appropriate, they are triggered in one second by any psychic with the related discipline. Once triggered, Third Order psychotrons are active for one day per charge, and usually hold at most three charges.  
  • A black iron egg dappled with speckles of gold that spins when psychic powers are used nearby (including from the astral plane). Related power: Telepathy
  • A smooth iron diamond that heats up when activated. It does not burn but is hot to the touch. Related power: Telekinesis
  • A gold pin engraved with lines and circles that bends and straightens upon psychic command. This may be used as a psychic trigger for a bomb. Related power: Telekinesis


These psychotrons are more complex. They are charged through concentration by a psychic with the related discipline. Six hours must be spent over the course of two days to invest one charge in the device. This drains 1 point of PSI from the psychic per day. Most devices hold four charges maximum. These points are returned at a rate of one point per day not spent charging the psychotron. Second Order devices may be triggered by a second of concentration and the expenditure of one Essence point by a psychic with the related discipline.  
  • A jade statue that acts as a focus for clairvoyance, granting a one step easement on checks of anyone psychically targeting the location containing the item. It also acts as a link for whoever invests PSI in it, allowing him to ignore range restrictions. Each use expends one charge and lasts as long as a clairvoyance session of the corresponding power. Related power: Clairvoyance
  • A wooden triangle that may be passed over a flat surface such as an Ouija board. It grants visions about a past or present event or person. Each use drains one charge. Related power: Clairvoyance


These are extremely powerful devices that usually hold up to six charges. A psychic with PSI 5 or greater in the related discipline may invest one charge of power by expending 1 PSI points, two CON Points, and ten minutes of concentration. These points are regained at a rate of one PSI per day, the CON requires a day of bed rest per point to recover. First Order devices are activated in one Turn by any psychic with the related discipline at no cost.   A polished sheet of silver trimmed in bronze that provides an extended vision about the future of one place, object, or person. Each use drains one charge. Related power: Clairvoyance


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