Проект «Взгляд разума» - Project Mind's Eye (Proyekt «Vzglyad razuma»)

Origin and History:

Stalin authorized and funded the creation of Project Mind's Eye in 1939, a psychic and occult research organization headed by a celebrated Russian psychic, Wolf Gregorievich Messing. Messing and his team made groundbreaking advancements in the development of psychotrons, devices that enhance psychic abilities.
  During the Cold War, the organization experienced a major breakthrough in psychotron technology, allowing them to refine and perfect the devices into the modern-day versions. However, the collapse of the USSR brought about internal turmoil, and the head researcher, along with key research materials, disappeared mysteriously.
  No longer state sponsored the remnants of Project Mind's eye were tracked down and infiltrated by The Conspiracy, a powerful covert organization with its own agenda. Recognizing the value of the psychic research and technology, The Conspiracy recruited the organization, relocating them to various research facilities across the United States. Thereafter, the paranormal group was reformulated and refocused toward psychic research.
  Today one of the key research complexes where they operate is situated several miles from the Ranch on the Nellis Range, near Groom Lake. Here, the scientists, researchers, and psychic test subjects collaborate with The Conspiracy on classified projects, unaware of the true nature and extent of The Conspiracy's influence and activities.

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