
Attribute: Empathy
This is the psionic equivalent of Human Empathy and Animal Empathy but works somewhat differently. The psionic doesn't really probe into the target's psyche, as the Empathy skills do; instead, he monitors brain activity and "listens" for the vibrations of subvocalized thoughts-almost everyone 'talks" in their heads when they think. This is what the psionic "listens" to, so Telepathy can only probe as deep as surface thoughts. Thought and Project Emotion rely on this skill, as usual, but work somewhat differently-Project Emotion uses manipulation of the brain's reflexes and emotion centers to stimulate the brain into the desired state, and Project Thought adds mental speech subvocalized in on the subject's consciousness to this process.
  After the mandatory Willpower test, the difficulty level of Telepathy is determined by the familiarity of the subject mind to the psionic: 
  If the psionic is only trying to establish a telepathic contact with one person, use the difficulty above. If establishing contact with multiple minds, use the highest difficulty that applies.
  Basic Success reveals the presence and nature of all minds within a sphere (radius equals power level in meters). Each additional stage of success allows the psionic to (1) double the radius of the sphere, (2) sense the brain activity of one particular mind one level deeper, or (3) form a telepathic link with one mind for other psionic purposes. A psionic can sense activity in several persons at a time, but can only link with one mind at a time.
  One additional stage of success applied to sensing brain activity allows the psionic to read the basic emotional state of the subject. At two additional stages of success applied to sensing brain activity, the psionic can read surface thoughts. This is as deep as Telepathy goes.
  For purposes of using Mental Attack, a telepathic link is required. To use Project Emotion, the psionic must both establish a telepathic link and sense emotional state. To use Project Thought, the psionic must both establish a telepathic link and sense surface thoughts.     *Psionic


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