US Secret Service Agent

Guardians of the Nation's Leaders

The US Secret Service Agent is a highly skilled and dedicated law enforcement professional entrusted with the paramount responsibility of protecting the nation's highest-ranking officials, including the President, Vice President, and their families. With a primary focus on the security and safety of these key figures, Secret Service Agents serve as the vanguard against potential threats and safeguarding the continuity of government.
Prerequisites: Law School, Previous Career as Military Officer or Law Enforcement Agency, Strength + Constitution + Agility = 17+, No Prison Record

First Term:

Medical (First Aid) 2
Observation 2
Slug Weapons (Pistol) 2
Vehicle Use (Wheeled) 2
Willpower 2
Pulling Strings: Governmental Access, Official Agendas

Subsequent Terms:

Medical (First Aid)
Pilot (Rotary or Fixed-wing)
Slug Weapons (pistol)
Vehicle Use (Wheeled)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Criminal Tracking, Intel File, Sending Presidential Orders

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Government or Law Enforcement . On a 1D10 roll of 7+, this contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Resource Points: 3 per Term
Influence Type: Law Enforcement
Special: If more than one term is served, add +1 to Initiative

Special Adventure:

--Being in the Secret Service is always an Adventure--
Spend Special Adventure Points on Subsequent Term Skills  

Impact and Importance:

  The US Secret Service Agent plays a pivotal role in protecting the nation's leaders and preserving the integrity of the government. By ensuring the safety and security of the President and other protectees, Secret Service Agents safeguard the continuity of government and the nation's leadership.
  The presence of Secret Service Agents instills confidence in the public and foreign allies, reaffirming the strength and stability of the United States.
  During international trips, their seamless coordination with foreign counterparts fosters positive diplomatic relations and cooperation.
  As the silent guardians behind the nation's leaders, US Secret Service Agents embody unyielding dedication, self-sacrifice, and professionalism. Their commitment to protecting the highest echelons of government is unwavering, reaffirming the principles of democracy and safeguarding the future of the United States.

Key Characteristics:

  • Presidential Protection: Secret Service Agents undergo rigorous training in close protection techniques, intelligence analysis, and threat assessment to ensure the safety of the President and other protectees.
  • Advance Work: Before official visits or events, Agents conduct thorough advance work, surveying locations and assessing potential risks to implement comprehensive security measures.
  • Counterintelligence: Agents work diligently to detect and prevent potential threats from domestic and international adversaries, investigating suspicious individuals or groups.
  • Emergency Response: Secret Service Agents are equipped to respond swiftly and decisively to any crisis or security breach, using their tactical skills to neutralize threats and protect their assigned protectees.
  • Investigative Expertise: They are proficient in conducting criminal investigations related to counterfeiting, financial crimes, and cybercrimes that may threaten the nation's financial infrastructure.
  • International Operations: Secret Service Agents collaborate with foreign counterparts during overseas trips of protectees, ensuring seamless security and cooperation.


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