Nytena Character in Sharax Empire | World Anvil
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Goddess of Thunder and Wind Nytena (a.k.a. The Crying Goddess)

Divine Domains

  • Thunder
  • Wind
  • Rain


It is believed that Nytena's lover made something for her, something to show her his love. But that object is considered lost. There is a large possibility that the object still lays inside the vaults of the Imperial palace. Only no one knows what it is, again speculations rise up when the 'Heart of the Storm' becomes the topic of conversation.

Holy Books & Codes

Nytena had a human lover once, a man she loved with all her heart and soul. But her lover got killed during one of the first PURGES, that is the reason why she is so withdrawn and weeps so often from time to time.
— Paragraph out Whispers of the wind by Brain Eldar

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbols are the tornado, thunderbolts, raindrop

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Nytena's Season

The Goddess has her own season, better known as Nytena's season (rain season). It happens every year around the same time and the whole Sharax Empire prepares for it. By strengthen dams, gathering food supplies and such. Still, every year a lot of people pass away, children turn into orphanages. And all this of a lost lover, killed by his own kind.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nytena existed long before men set foot upon this rock, long before the wars about resources and land began. She and hers were already there, Stoic, never changing. She and the other Seasonal Gods, Cheton God of Spring, Yxjun God of Summer and Uhra Goddess of Winter. Changed the seasons, without paying much attention to the humans below. Not caring for their wants, and needs. She simply was, a being without needs and wants of her own. A concept that was strange to her, centuries crawled by for the humans below and in a blink of an eye to the Gods in the World beyond. House Oran, nothing more than a large family owning a piece of land, wanted to expend their territory. And so The Invasion of House Oran began. Not that Nytena or the other Seasonal Gods cared, they had a job to do. The Nytena's season was upon the world, storms were as deadly as the weapons used by House Oran.   But there it was, nothing more than a faint whisper upon the wind, a laughter. A laughter, among the endless cries of men and women dying in the lands, that were being concurred. There was no place for such laughter in the lands that would become the Sharax Empire. Still there it was, and for the first time in her existence she became curious. Curious to the one who made such a sound, to the one who dared to find joy and happiness in a time of death. She found a young boy, living near a forest. The child not old enough to know the concept of death, and played without fear for Godva, the Goddess of Death. He was playing with colored leaves, circling upon her many winds.   She watched over him, from a distance. Afraid that she would scare him. She let her wind play with him, moved by the various shouts of joy. This was the first time that time slowed down for her. The times of Ymin, Goddess of the Night, made place for Drydtris, Goddess of the Day. Uhra took over her season, which brought the coldness and snow. But still there was the wind, the wind that played with the boy that slowly turned into a fine young man. A man that still played with the wind, whenever he had the time to spare. And then there it was, he saw her. He was not scared, always knowing that she was near. His bravery and acceptance, made her unemotional heart tremble for the first time. Was this what humans called love? She didn't know that being like her, beings without the concept of wants and needs, could fall in love. But she loved him, with all her being. Knowing that their time together would be short, he was a simple heartbeat away from Godva. But she never would have guessed that their time would be so short. The ever-growing army of House Oran, came to her beloveds' door. Killing every living soul that was inside, including her beloved.   Nytena was so heartbroken after her beloveds' death, she couldn't stop crying. Months went by, and still her tears kept flowing. From the World Beyond towards the world of the humans. Filling the rivers and lakes, until they spilled over, destroying everything, and everyone in its path. But once again she didn't care, only this time it didn't come from a place of ignorance. It came from a place of hurt. It was not until Hodes, God of Sleep, spelled her into a nine-month slumber. Only for her to wake up, and cry once more. This is the never changing cycle, in which Nytena exist. Sleeping and crying. Still heartbroken over the man who changed her, and was taken from her.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The crying Goddess
  • Lady of Autumn
  • She who loved
Current Residence
The world beyond
Stormy gray
Long curly brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Summercamp 2024
Generic article | Jul 6, 2024
Nytena's season
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 8, 2024


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