The Invasion of House Oran Military Conflict in Sharax Empire | World Anvil
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The Invasion of House Oran

The Conflict


House Oran was already a large house, who owned a piece of land near the Cresdes. Which gave them access to the Southern sea and the trade routes that came with it. Their wealth grew along with the members of their family, and they wanted more. More land, more products to sell, more money. But they knew that other Houses wouldn't fold if they demanded their lands, nor were they willing to sell. Because, like the House Oran in Aunan this was the home of their ancestors and like them those houses wouldn't give that up so easily. So the men and women that lived on their lands were gathered, provided with the best weapons and armor money could buy, and they were sent out to concur the other lands.


A lot of houses were whipped out during this invasion, until the last newborn. The names of these houses were lost in history, or the names were simply whipped away from history. Because there was no need to remember those who fell by the House Oran sword. But there were Houses that survived the invasion, and were allowed to keep their lands.  

House Eldar

Day 1, Month 1 in Nytena's season, Year 191
House Eldar is always being known to have wise leaders, and strong warriors. Their bonds with the Volaris were also very strong at the time. The Leader at the time, Almar Eldar, knew that his men were able to fight against House Oran, but he didn't like the costs of such a fight. So when their army reached the boarder of the Eldar Estate he invited the leadership for a meal, during that meal he stated his desire for a peaceful solution. Establishing that he would send his men to fight with the Oran Army. A few of his granddaughters are being betrothed to Oran men, and in return House Eldar is allowed to keep their lands, and they were not being killed off. To everybody's surprise, House Oran excepted this deal. The weddings were even held that same night, to make sure that House Eldar or House Oran could stab the other in the back.

House Giora

Day 3, Month 2 in Uhra's Season, Year 192
House Giora has always being a bit of a greedy house, and they had seen what House Eldar accomplished. They liked the idea of a partnership with House Oran, but at the time they didn't have daughters, or granddaughters to marry off. No female relatives, so instead they offered House Oran their troops for money. Something that would hunt House Giora until they were getting PURGED in the year 500.
by Nightcafe

House Tzviel

Day 31, Month 3 in Cheton's season, Year 192
House Tzviel, who has familiar ties with House Eldar liked the idea that their cousin Almar Eldar presented towards House Oran. They didn't have the men power to where stand the growing army of House Oran. So they offered up all the female members of their family to House Oran. Even the oldest son, to be wed to one of the daughters. Again, House Oran excepted this deal, Amanda Oran was the first female member of House Oran that would be wed outside the family.

House Shilo

Day 4, Month 2 in Yxjun's season, Year 193
House Shilo didn't have a large force back in the day, they still haven't a large force right now. They were farmers, and they still make their living with the harvest of various types of grain. Which is what they offered House Oran when they came knocking on their door. Supplies for their entire army, only for the small change that they were allowed to keep their farmlands. House Oran who got their wealth, but also their supplies from overseas, so a provided inside this deal. Now they didn't have to 'waste' money to feed their soldiers. Now they could get it for free, and the travel distance was also not that great.

House Cherut

Day 10, Month 2 in Cheton's season, year 194
Day 07, Month 3 in Nytena's season, year 195
Day 21, Month 2 in Yxjun's season, Year 300
by Nightcafe
House Cherut didn't negotiate a peaceful solution to keep their lands, they didn't have anything to give. No daughters, or sons, no soldiers, no grain, nothing. Their lands were not farmable, they had various queries, granite, limestone, marble. But there were no mines with gold, copper, tin, silver or other precious metals. No diamonds, rubies or sapphires. Their lands were barren, and they were not able to see why House Oran wanted it. The settlements inside the Cherut Estate were all build with stone, and were not easy to burn down or destroy. So the army of House Oran were not able to kick down the doors. As they had done with other houses. They just gave up after a year of trying, it is being rumored that the lover of Nytena was killed during one of the battles here. But this can't be because the Cherut Estate those not have any forest.

House Barkai

Day 13, Month 2 in Uhra's Season, Year 200
Day 21, Month 2 in Yxjun's season, Year 300
Houses Barkai, didn't want to fight or give up their house. But they have nothing to offer, and still they tried. House Oran was struck by their honesty and willingness to stay alive. Even go so far as to offer up the lands they once called home. So House Oran took their lands, but allowed House Barkai to stay there. As long as they were willing to bend the knee when the time comes.

House Aharon

Day 11, Month 3 in Uhra's Season, Year 200
Day 20, Month in Yxjun's season, Year 220
Day 21, Month 2 in Yxjun's season, Year 300
by Nightcaf
House Aharon took up arms against the very large army, and they even drove back the army of House Oran several times. It was only a small group of men and women fighting for their home, with makeshift weapons and farm tools. This dance between the Houses lasted twenty years, and ended with House Oran on top. Still, House Oran was impressed by their bravery, and admitted that they fought their hardest. So House Aharon was allowed to remain, but only if they were willing to bend the knee. A promise that they honored 80 years later.

House Moriel

Day 21, Month 2 in Yxjun's season, Year 300
House Moriel has seen the seas of blood, and the murders that took place over the years. Always fearing the moment that it would be their turn next. They were an easy target, had nothing to offer that House Oran could use in this war to gain more land. They could give up the land, that their ancestors called home, but that was not really something they wanted to do. Only they were not able to defend it either, not that they needed to do it. Because House Oran completely ignored them, they just showed up on the day that all leaders of the major houses were bending the knee to the First Emperor Mashiach Oran. They simply bend the knee, and were added to the list of Major houses of the Sharax Empire.


House Oran were done with fighting after they fought House Aharon, and came out of the battle on top. But the price they had paid was even in their eyes to high. So they send the armies back to their respective estates, and made preparations to sustain their new lands. Brusan Kingdom, and the Sodora Kingdom, were already set monarchies. And there was no question who owns the lands. So House Oran wanted something similar, but they didn't like the sound of the word 'Kingdom'. So they went with Empire instead.   The First Emperor Mashiach Oran was crowned on Day 21, Month 2 in Yxjun's season, Year 300. And let the leaders of the concurred houses bent the knee.


For the last 200 years, House Oran has ruled the Sharax Empire. Not only by inning, the favors made during the invasion. But also through fear, fear of the Purge. Something that was set in place by the Imperial family and the Church of Volaris, Goddess of Strenght and Honor.  

Political web

Historical Significance



The Purge is a dark relic of the past, when House Oran started to conquer the continent, taking over lands either through negotiations, victory with them letting the family live this only happened after they teamed up with House Eldar, or more often then not whipping out the whole family that lived on that piece of land.


It is not known what the string of events are before a family gets purged, it is believed that the family that is being purged made enemies with all off Secular society, and the Church of Volaris. But there are cases in history where this is not the case, and the house in question made just one single enemy, House Oran. Between the year 300 and 400 the Church of Volaris issued that they also needed to give consent to a purge. To take away this huge power, the Imperial Family had over the rest of the houses. After that, the amount of purges lessened. The last house that was purged is House Giora.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Empire


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