The Purge Warrant Document in Sharax Empire | World Anvil
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The Purge Warrant

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A document that changed the course of history. Established in the year 300, it was called to life to protect people who had done nothing but anger one family.


The purge warrant is used by the Empire as the ultimate punishment. This warrant gives permission to kill off an entire family, wipe their names from history records. Only to be forgotten when the last person that knew them dies. The only record that shows that there was a purge, is inside the Royal records with large letters PURGED.  

Document Structure


Since the year 300, just a year before the Empire settled down. The Church of Volaris got involved with Purges. Volaris the Goddess of Strenght and Honor, and Patreon Goddess of the Empire, believed that there was no point in mindless killing. Especially if the family has done nothing to lose their honor, so the church forced House Oran to let them sign off the warrant as well. So now the warrant needs two signatures to be valid. One of the Emperor, and one of a member of the church of Volaris. This is to keep innocent lives out of bloodthirsty ways.  


The purges are always marked inside the Royal archives, but never with the families names. There will be simply marked as PURGED.  

Publication Status

After the year 300 the Purge warrant is still feared, but a lot of the major and minor houses live in peace. Knowing that such a warrant is not easily passed. That those not mean that they can do what ever they want. Because if the Emperor and the Church of Volaris agree, their house will be PURGED.  

Legal status

Only when this warrant is signed of by the Emperor and a member of the Church of Volaris, and only by then, becomes this warrant legal. This is set in place so that the Emperor, who since the beginning of the Empire belonged to House Oran, can't kill an entire family, because they feel like it. Which happened a lot after The Invasion of House Oran.  

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Decree, Governmental
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)
300   Church of Volaris gets involved   2-7-500   Purge of House Giora

Summercamp 2024
Generic article | Jul 6, 2024
Generic article | Mar 25, 2024

Cover image: by Nightcafe


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