The mines Geographic Location in Shards | World Anvil
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The mines

While these caves were naturally formed by Shards , and no human being extracts resources from them anymore, the old name remains: Mines.   Don't get any closer. It's not safe. Most of the creatures here aren't interested in causing you any harm, but they won't be careful around you either. In the mines, you never know when something will decide you are edible. Half of the creatures there are still deciding what they like to eat, after all.   On the brigh side, you are safe as long as you keep your distance. The shards may be a little unstable, but they have reached a balance or sorts. They won't start a storm without an external trigger. But if you enter, and unless you are eaten first, is a matter of time before some chain reaction starts. There is no way to predict what kind of destruction (because is usually destruction) would occur.


We don't know how deep the tunnels go, but experts suspect that they might be all the area under the mountains.   Nevertheless, several tunnels have been explored by some greedy past inhabitants of this world and a couple of insane... I mean, brave cartographers. According to them, all the area is mysteriously even.   The underground currents feed a circular pool, connected to most of the tunnels, nonetheless difficult to find without a good map.


This is one of the few areas where the living beings and the abiotic component are easy to tell appart. It seems like the diversity is particularly high when it comes to the latter. Minerals from several different worlds can be find here, in different states and condiitons. Those minerals are certainly not sentient, they just stay there. There aren't any substances that behave capriciously and there isn't anything that doesn't exist in other worlds or that ignores the rules it would have followed in it's native world.   The living beings and the shards are an entirely different story. The shards are always ready to take shape, creating ghost at the slightest of triggers, often the kind of ghost that extends all over the forest (storms), and sometimes "eating" other (usually living) things to create new ones.   The creaures are rarely something you would see in other worlds, and if you ever find something famiiar, it will soon prove to be different from what you know. They are curious and hungry beings, who don't care about—or even understand—the consequences of their actions. With some, that's not an issue, but most of them are capable of hurting, killing or changing a person or even large groups.
Cave System
Location under
c It's easy to trigger a storm
c Ghosts are hungry and careless
c You can lost your way in the tunnels

Closer than you might think

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


Author's Notes

This needs a header image, right?   And, I want to come back (or create another article) to talk about those people who used to extract materials from here. Not a priority, it's out of the scope of the story, at least for now.
— Jul 3, 2024

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