Shards of Danova

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Millenia ago Elmaunum existed as a unified world watched over by the Godmother Danova. The gods and devas prospered expanding the world to unreachable lengths. But Vetia the goddess of life was greedy and sought more control. Convincing her siblings and mortals alike to assist her in taking the power of the Godmother. On the Night of Sundering, Danova's power and her world were ripped apart. Each god taking a portion of power and land to rule over on their own accord. As the Godmother died, voids split the land and the world forever changed.   The world now permanently scarred by voids between the continents, only Danova's son Macarish cared to erect magical bridges for the remaining mortals to traverse this new plane... As millennia passed few remained to remember the Night of Sundering as the world evolved to its new form. However, the greed of man and god alike has never fully dwindled despite their unrestricted rule.