World Story

The Creation:    Danova the godmother created this world many lifetimes ago. As one of the Elder Beings she wanted to make her own space for her creations to live and prosper in. After forming the dimension she began to fill it. Starting with the primary elements of the earth, fire, water, and air. From there she began to prosper the land and fill it with her creations. After crafting the many planets she chose the most meaningful one to her, the first. This would be the planet where she would control, unlike the other Elder Beings, she wanted this world to succeed. She envisioned many life forms prospering and living amongst each other. From her care for this planet and her necessity for life came her first children. Danova gave birth to her three children, first was the eldest, Macarish. He provided Magic for this new world so that his mother’s creations could harness her power to help themselves. The next children were the twins Vetia, the Goddess of Life and Ydes, the Goddess of Death. Together these two harnessed their mothers powers to bring a life cycle to her creations. As Danova blessed this world with more and more creations she also created gods to watch over them. Soon the world was populated by infinitesimal plants and animals with their gods to watch over them. This world bloomed with magic and life during many millennia of prosperity. Danova was happy with her creation for she was the only Elder Being who could care for others.   The Split:    As all good things do, this peace and prosperity would not last. Eventually rivalries developed between Danova’s children. Some were prayed to and sacrificed to more than the others. Soon the children learned that they were able to harness this obsession of the living beings in the world. Aydros, the god of war, was first to submit to this power gain. He became enamored with gaining more power and becoming stronger than Macarish, the eldest. Vetia was the first to notice this rivalry and figured out how to capitalize on it. With her mother always watching she was limited in her creations. Danova did not approve of Vetia’s creations for death; her newest creation the Tarrasque had been banished by her ever prying mother. Vetia discovered that Aydros would do anything to be stronger than his brother, even if that meant removing his mother from the equation. Vetia knew some of her other siblings were as easily manipulated. She planned out a final feast for her mother and utilizing Laacush, the goddess of contradictions, was able to trick those who wouldn't approve into leaving temporarily. Danova arrived at the feast glad that her daughter had finally found the want to care for others, but she could not have been more wrong. All went according to Vetia’s plan, as the feast began her favorite creation, the elves, declared the Eternal War. This world wide war gave Aydros the power he needed. With a burst of rage, gifted from the exiled children of the Astral Sea, Aydros decapitated his mother. As this rage continued to boil, he desecrated his mother, chopping her body apart. As each axe struck her, her world split as well. Macarish had been tricked for the first time and when he arrived at the feast he saw what happened. Quickly, he pacified his brother Aydros, banishing him to the Void, but the damage was already done. Although he wanted to punish the rest of the conspirators, she knew to save his mother’s creation they needed to be allowed to live. He divided the new pieces of land to his siblings and watched over them as his mother would. Although Danova still can provide for the world, her body was destroyed. The Eternal War provided enough power for Aydros to continue to create wars, Macarish knew something of the same scale was impossible.