
Greater Daemons Daemons are like the Archdevas, but they are tainted versions of the primal elements or gods. They are formed through the union made between Devas and Gods, It is unknown why the children of these two produce tainted versions bent on destruction. Due to their destructive nature they were banished to the Astral Sea. Due to the everchanging expanse of the Astral Sea they are only able to partially interact with the world.  
  • Nurgle - Daemon of Pestilence and Plague, tainted version of life and harvest
  • Khorne - Daemon of Violence, tainted version of war and power
  • Slaanesh - Daemon of Desire, tainted version of love and debauchery
  • Tzeentch - Daemon of Entropy, tainted version of magic, order, and chaos
  Minor Deamons This are the Daemons who also reside in the Astral Sea. They are not as powerful as the greater Daemons as they are born from a desire for these primal elements, instead of a union like the Great Daemons  
  • The Devourer, tainted version of feast
  • The Old One, tainted version of intellect
  • The Fiend, tainted version of power