
Archdevas Almost equally as powerful as the gods, these deities are formed through the primal elements. Unlike Gods, Devas are created by the forces that they represents. They two have control over these elements but are born of them unlike the gods. In a way they are the natural forms of gods.
  • Chaos
  • Order
  • Time
  • Wind
  • Harvest
  • Night
  • Day
  • Intellect
  • Power
  • Love
  • Foresight
Devas These are the minor Devas, they are not as powerful as the Gods or the Archdevas but are still a force to be reckoned with. Many of them roam the world or to mess with those more powerful than them; they patreon the members of the world.
  • Northern Winds
  • Southern Winds
  • Eastern Winds
  • Western Winds
  • Winter
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Spring
  • Feast
  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Night
  • Day
  • Each biome type also has a Deva associated with it