Griffon Guards

The elves rarely go out of their way to show force, but when they do the Griffon Guard are deployed. These hulking figures march decorated in pure white and blue paint along their exquisite golden armor. Although these guards rarely see danger, they are trained to destroy the enemies of the Elven Empires.   King Ikhaliembè spent his reign worrying about the possible taint of non-elves corrupting their homeland of Faazeer. Under his son's recommendation, he created a standing force known as the Griffon Guard to patrol the Great Bridges. He collected his trusted generals and their sons and promoted them to this new position. By making the position hereditary he hoped that only the best and smartest would be honored with their armor.   Before receiving their armor Griffon Guards must tame their own mighty griffon steed. A large colony of such beasts live atop the peak of I’alhios within the heart of the continent. Would-be guards journey away from their home cities with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They are instructed to return a week later atop their mounts.   The duties of a Griffon Guard rarely change. They patrol the skies around the Great Bridges to ensure no intruders to Faazeer can break its interior. Due to diplomatic policies, it is incredibly rare for someone to make it across the bridge, let alone someone with ill will toward the elves. Outside of this guard duty, Griffon Guards are deployed to Elven Ambassadors when a show of force is necessary in the outside world.    Due hereditary nature of the position and the heightened attention it is given most Griffon Guard act as though they are royalty themselves. The pompous nature of these elves is elevated by their position resulting in many incidents of violence within their ranks.    It is quite unlikely for adventurers to find themselves face to face with Griffon Guards, but if they do it is best to treat them with respect or reverence. Although they flaunt their positions they are trained to kill when they deem necessary.
Their mass of golden armor is more than just for show. It is magically enhanced by artificers to increase the strength and agility of these already trained warriors. To the dismay of would-be thieves, this armor takes years of training to be able to master.
They tower over their comrades making sure their heightened rank can be seen from afar.