Summer Camp Prep '24

Week 1: Get yourself organized!


This week's theme: Change

  With this weeks theme of Change I wanted to focus on just that. The changes I want to make within my world and within my writing. I plan to write more and more for this world, so there is no better time to start than now. I think my first big change to the world that has come from my planning for this project is scale. Prior to this my worlds scale was massive, 16 North American sized continents. I wanted mysteries galore and many things to explore. But I've learned recently that its better to think smaller. Instead of having a massive world of half baked ideas, It is better to have a few fully baked cookies (they also taste a lot better). So that is my first plan coming in to this project.  

Set a goal

  I knew coming into this project this is gonna be the make or break it time for my world building. So we are shooting for the moon! Diamond is the official goal, but all 40 prompts is what I plan to do. I may be busy during the first week of the month, but if we start strong we can finish strong.  

Categories and Tags

  I don't have much to add to this area for now. As of the time I'm writing this my categories should suffice for what I need. I have not been using the tag feature so I'll return to this when I have time to tag all my articles.  

World Meta

  I'm not a big world meta type of writer. I created the ideas for this world over a decade ago and have been growing and building it as I go. I've lived this world through most of my creative process so I don't think I need to add to this information. I know deep down what I want, but I think putting it into world will just hurt my creative process for now.    

Week 2


This week's theme: Refuge

  For this weeks theme of Refuge I decided to just write up a quick article relating to one of the most important cities in my world, the trade city of Zuflun. It sits at an important junction between the remote parts of the world and civilization. When the Tiefling populations had to flee natural disaster they created this new city. It is my first attempt at shrinking the world as I think it will be the only large city within the continent.  
Settlement | Jul 16, 2024

Connecting the distant lands to civilization sits a city of Tiefling refugees. Those looking for adventures or smugglers will find home here.


Accountability Buddy

  I spoke with my friends and found one who also wants to improve his world building. So together we revived our groups writing channel in hopes to drag more people in. We plan to talk every few days and post our articles on the server. Guess there is no better time then now to set up discord notifications for the world.  

Styling and CSS

  Both of these could use some work on my server. While I have time this week I plan to step in and see how I can improve them. I'm happy with the basic overlay but I think I can make it look better like some of my other worlds.  

Week 3


This week's theme: Belief

  For the theme of belief I plan to do some expansions in my basic world religions. I can fill out some articles about how worship works and later add articles about the actual organizations themselves. My first task for this project is going to be changing my list of Deamons to pull them away from their source material of Warhammer and bring them into new light I have been working on with players. We discussed changing them into The Great Shames to give them a more unique view within my worlds.  

Find your inspiration

  Its about time I finally organize my phone notes and my shower notebook. There isn't a better time then the present to get it set up. Outside of that I wish I wasn't so busy and had time to go hike and write again. Soon...  

Images and Maps

  My images I have saved on my phone for when I need and I bring them into World Anvil when they are needed. Until then I think they will be fine how they are. I used this opportunity to add the new city of Zuflun to my world map. Now time to start working on my other homework for this.