The Calamity of Famush

What was once a fiery passion has transformed into a burning rage. Famush the god of fire and the forge was unaware of his siblings’ plot. After Danova’s death, he blamed each and everyone, those that acted and those that didn’t. Enraged he sought isolation, unable to trust siblings or their creations. In his tantrum, he retreated to his land pushing out any living being.   Vaul’s Anvil, dormant since the beginning of time, erupted with such force it shattered the very continents. Famush’s seething fury ripped through the island, causing valleys to crack and crumble, spewing forth lava-like tears. Awaken and filled with their father’s rage, the red dragons took it upon themselves to cleanse the land. They took to the skies incinerating those who remained.   ~ Storykeeper Siluvas on The Calamity of Famush

Section 1: Encamptments

    Millenia later the continent of Famush remains mostly uninhabited. However adventurers still travel the land, be it searching for dragon parts or mythical weapons. To accommodate them small encampments and outposts rest near The Great Bridge to equip and assist those who journey into the wasteland.   Built of hard Black Stone these encampments protect civilians who risk their lives to provide necessary goods and services. From bakers to blacksmiths the citizens here all stand tough in this wasteland. You can expect to find quests as meager as finding a lost cat to as grandiose as slaying an Elden dragon.    

Section 2: The Wasteland

    Traveling deeper into the continent the danger becomes more prevalent. From giant bats to multi-headed wolves, wild beasts and monsters filled with Famush’s rage still hunt anything that moves. Adventurers who find the wildlife fleeing their location are usually greeted with earthquakes and volcanic geysers.   The danger is counteracted by gorgeous landscapes only found in this unique environment. To the East lies The Black Desert, sweeping dunes of black sand stretch through what was once an ocean.   Giant obsidian lakes speckle the continent, littered with ruins of the ancient Tiefling cities. As you approach Vaul’s Anvil the terrain reflects Famush’s fury. Rock spikes and rivers of lava warn visitors to turn back.    

Section 3: The Forge

    Those strong enough to survive their way to the heart of the continent are greeted by Vaul’s Anvil, a monstrous super volcano visible across the continent. Covered in the dens of Famush’s children, the red dragons, adventurers are advised to bring offerings.   Nestled deep within this rocky fortress sits an impenetrable door that leads into the mountain. And those who make it here are given entrance to the small dwarven town of The Forge.   Using techniques invented before the world split these craftsmen use the fire that Famush split the world with to forge magical artifacts. The construction of these items are unmatched anywhere else in the world, as generations of masters pour their lives into a single piece. Adventurers looking to acquire one should bring adequate pay or an excellent escape path.

Cover image: Vesuvius from Portici by Joseph Wright of Derby