The Lost Library

Sciorta always preferred to watch history from a distance, documenting as many major events as they could in their own writing. To hide their true form as a platinum dragon, Sciorta has lived under numerous pseudonyms, most of which have become famous historians and philosophers of old. Sciorta was obsessed with hoarding knowledge, books and transcripts from throughout time were stored in their library.   It was not until the The Second Great Fire of Macarish that they were forced to show their true form. As the fire spread through the city Sciorta knew they could not stop it and they knew their true identity would be revealed if their library was the only unscathed building. While the fire grew closer the many tragedies that had befallen their hoard flashed in their eyes. Moths had consumed eras of knowledge, thieves had stolen texts from long-lost civilizations in hopes of finding treasure, and now this fire raged forth threatening to disintegrate the rest of history. Sciorta came to the conclusion that the only way to save this knowledge was to isolate it from the rest of the world. And that they did.   A few survivors of the fire recalled seeing a dragon manifest in the city square, but they were written off as illusions of the fire. Sciorta did in fact change to their true form, harnessing their draconic power and shunting the fabled library out of the city.   Deep within the floating islands of Sarcool, an eternal storm tormented the sky. In that moment it's lightning lashed out pushing the few brave adventurers at its frontier away. However, within the eye of the storm, a new island was formed. One that would protect this library from outside forces.   Sciorta had found their hiding spot, one that only those worthy of its knowledge would be able to find. To their dismay though, this island would isolate Sciorta from viewing history with their own eyes. Soon they would begin to summon scholars and adventurers to the library offering them a trade of knowledge. Contemporary knowledge for ones that were thought to be lost forever. Rumors of this magical library would spread throughout the world, but only those deserving of its secrets would be granted access.
I saw it, fleeting as if a dream, but I know what I saw. A massive structure piercing through the eye of the storm. Something was there, a beast, no a serpent floating within the storm.   ~ Captain Erea on his expedition into The Everlasting Storm

Cover image: Atlases of the Clementinum by Sean Yan