The Tale of Two Sisters

In a time when people here still young there was two, in a time when people were babies, there was three. The unnamed begin that bridged the sun and the moon, having no domaine they were powerless. When Moyja and Majyo were created by Magic there was a third byproduct a being of nothing over nothing.   They were kind despite existing with beings of immense power and being nothing more than a waste by-product of a great creation. They were not able to survive with the mortal people, they were even less than the mortals. Mortals could grow strong through magic or sheer determination. The third could not they were always in one stagnate place never able to grow never able to lessen.   To both, they were ignored, less than trash. Except for the other two, they loved the third while hating each other they never liked each other part of it could be them being opposites but also the same. Still, they tolerated each other for the third. Sisters and a third sibling that helped bridge them, in a fragile type of peace.   Like glass, woven together beautifully, always on the verge of breaking, after all, peace that relies on a person can always be broken with just one small mistake.   The Third was always fascinated by mortals, like them they were considered lesser but unlike them, they could grow, they wanted that ability. They wanted to be able to stand with their sisters without shame they would give anything to be able to truly be one like them a perfect trio of siblings. Unlike being just the two with the forgot third, after all, nothing can never be remembered, it's nothing. How does one become something though.   How the idea was implanted, will never be known. Only the Two goddesses really know the whole story and it's mixed with liars and deceivers of each other. So the truth is lost just like nothing always will be. Because of how the Third is, mortals are like a poison that they love and want but can never be around or have.   The begins of old, draw in the Third. The idea to grow close in hopes of being like them and able to grow is implanted and so fate is sealed.   The Third goes to mortals, unknown to them, and slowly grows weak the more they stay the less they are. The less they exist, if they ever really can call their place an existence. Eventually, they wither. They fade and are no more, and never was.   The Two Goddesses know immediately they can feel the Third fade into their only domaine, Nothing. They meet together and blame the other who was with the Third not them it must have been the other, how could they let this happen. The Sun blames the moon always keeping its secrets to itself they know what happened but will never share with the Sun, how could hide the truth from it don’t they know how much the Third meant to the Sun.   Its rage is hot and everlasting, burning always. The Moon knows they have to.   The Moon blames the Sun with its light why didn’t it see what happened to the third, Its blue glow can only see the hidden but what happened to the Third was not hidden so they can't find it. So why do they not tell them? Don’t they understand how much it hurts to not know what happened to the Third to not know if there is any way to save them or bring them back, why can't they tell them? Why cant they find the Sun's hidden truth.   Its rage is cold and bitter, never losing its chill. The Sun must have seen what happened, they had to have.