To worship a fallen god

A whole to be reborn


Reborn Goddess

  The followers of Danova who believe in her rebirth believe that by bringing the many people of the world together they can harness their powers to reform Danova. They preach a world of unity and peace that will usher in a new era where all within the plane can become one with a shared consciousness and memory.   These followers carry with them an assembled marking. Usually a physical piece of jewelry, assembled markings look like a stained glass art piece. They depict the dismembered parts of Danova brought back together usually as a cloaked being or a mass of land. Most rituals consist of turning a hodgepodge of cloth into a beautiful cloak. Those of utmost dedication have been known to receive holy tattoos depicting their bodies sewn back together.    

A shattered whole


Shattered Whole

  On the other side of the same coin sits the followers of Danova who believe that her shattered body and world reflect her true form. These followers preach for unity in separation, a world of islands and beliefs that are able to be unique and unified. They do not push for direct separation, just the acknowledgment of how one's own world and history exist in counter to others.   These followers carry with them a shattered marking. Usually depicted as a multitude of garnishments and jewelry. Some have been known to make a mockery of their rival followers by disassembling an assembled marking to wear each piece separately. To depict their beliefs most followers travel in groups, each uniquely dressed but preaching the same belief.
Although most religions focus their practices on a single god, they all still find their roots in Danova, The Godmother. Some focus on her creation of the world and gods, while others teach of her death and the subsequent Shattering. However, there are sects of religion dedicated to Danova, both alive and dead, exclusively.

Cover image: Detail of stained glass art in Notre-Dame de Paris by Bence Kiss-Dobronyi