Tortles: A Brief Summary

Tortles are a large bipedal turtle species native to North Iactus. Although sailors have been trading with them for decades it was not until late that they began to travel the world for themselves. King Yelhki’Fisuli-Mihaly (pronounced: Yell-Key Fish-oo-lee Mee-Hi) (Hereby referred to as King Mihaly) started a “grand expedition” of the world, resulting in many Tortle adventurers spreading throughout the world.  


  According to Tortle mythology, Iactus was lonely in his youth. Watching his siblings create beings of their own Iactus created the turtle. Despite finding the Turtle as the optimal being he wanted something that could compete with his siblings and thus the Tortle was born. A bipedal sapient being able to live their own lives and create their own societies but gifted Iactus’ kind heart.   At the same time, Iactus created the Turtle Dragons, monstrous beings able to dominate the sea. They were granted Iactus’ same kind heart and together with the Tortles set out to see the vast world. Grand civilizations were built on the backs of these beasts. Ones that were able to withstand the perpetual storms and torment that Iactus’ siblings released on the unexplored world.   The Tortles did not settle down until Danova, the Godmother, was slain. In the resulting turmoil, Iactus recalled his beloved children. Hiding them deep within his realm he prevented Famush’s Fury from tainting them. Leaving them to exist in peace.  

Recent History

  Many sailors who travel deep into Iactus have stumbled across Tortle communities. Still built on the backs of Turtle Dragons these beasts now slumber, awaiting the day their father calls upon them. The Tortles on their backs have been willing to make trades with sailors under the condition that they are not exposed to the world.   It was not until the election of King Mihaly in 1643, 6th Era, that Tortles were seen in the outside world. Having nearly won the kingly ritual (a combination of dance-off and cooking competition), King Mihaly wanted to change the world. He had seen pirates exploring the nearby waters and subsequently heard the tales of sailors being killed. He wanted to change the world.   King Mihaly knew the history of the Tortles, their kind hearts gifted by a kind god. He ordered the Tortles to go out into the world and spread their love. To show the world what being nice could do. And so a mass emigration began.   Since this event, Tortle have become common species throughout the world. Although their history speaks of kind hearts. It is still best to be wary of any adventurer or armed character you meet. But the tale of Pirate Tortle Gizuluu will have to be told another day.
Tortle’s claim their history goes back before the world was shattered. Elvish scholars debate this claim as the faction has no historical account of interacting with Tortles prior to the split. The Tortles respond to these claims with a shrug and the statement “We had no interest in being found prior to when we were.”            


  Tortles are usually 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh in at easily 400 pounds. Their most distinct feature is the large shells. Tortles, like turtles, have a shell across their backs that they are able to retreat into. These shells are commonly painted or decorated with jewels. It is not uncommon for sailor Tortles to proudly display barnacles and help along their hindsides. Tortles are known to retreat into their shells when they are in danger and to trick adversaries into assuming they are nonhostile.