
The Anasazi are an ancient society of lizardfolk who have dwelt on the continent of Duros long before there were any men. Ruins of their past civilization dot the landscape the length and breadth of Duros, yet small pockets of their living kin still remain. The most notable of these settlements is Tlazohtzin in the far west of the Crimson Lowlands.


Culture and cultural heritage

Much of the Anasazi's history is lost to time, even to themselves as some event in their distant past drove them to destroy nearly all of their written records. Only stories passed down through the generations by word-of-mouth remain to give any hints about what came before. Bold adventurers have occasionally uncovered sealed Anasazi tombs and temples, where they have found the walls covered in a strange hieroglyphic script.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken
Related Locations