
Lizardfolk love nothing more than a day spent among the valleys, trees, plains and mountains of Gaia. They see all of nature as a sacred place, observing the cycles of the world and fostering the continuation of life. In their role as caretakers, lizardfolk live off the land while striving to remain in balance with nature. Their methods reflect common sense and remarkable resourcefulness.

Basic Information


Lizardfolk are lithe and powerful reptilian humanoids, standing about 5.5 to 6.5 feet tall and weighing between 190 and 300 pounds. They are covered head to tail in small, fine scales that range in colour from reddish-black to rust-red to a sandy tan. Very rarely, they can grow feathers that can appear on their heads, necks, and/or arms. More commonly, lizardfolk grow horns on their heads that can reach up to 12 inches in length. Lizardfolk use their tails for balance but they are not prehensile. Their hands and feet have strong, talonlike claws with three fingers and a thumb on each hand.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lizardfolk reach adulthood at 20 and can live as long as 200 years.
100 years
Average Height
5.5 to 6.5 feet
Average Weight
190 to 300 pounds
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Related Ethnicities

Articles under Lizardfolk