Edicts of Divinity

The Edicts state that every human being carries the diminished and fractured spark of a divine being, called the Triune Essence. They must be reignite this spark which was given unto them by The Maker. The doctrines espoused by the Edicts direct humanity to strive for the physical ideal, to learn the truths of the world, and to speak those truths; to be a Light in the Darkness.

Historical Details


These are the things that the Gazel Ministry promotes. They establish and encourage all sorts of educational, artistic, and competitive enterprises. They seek to counsel people in every aspect of living their lives, and provide sanctuary for people to meditate on the priesthood's teachings.   The primary goal of the Ministry is the preparation of mankind for its eventual ascension to Elysium. In order to do this, according to the Edicts, mankind must rekindle the Triune Essence. It must be:
  • Pure in Body. Be free of infirmity, disease, and deformity.
  • Pure in Mind. Be free of ignorance, mental degeneration, and insanity.
  • Pure in Spirit. Be free of sin.
The difficulty faced by the ministry is that the Edicts of physical and mental purity cannot be achieved simply by purging the unfit as that directly transgresses the Edict of Spiritual Purity.
Manuscript, Religious
Signatories (Organizations)

Articles under Edicts of Divinity