Gazel Ministry

The Gazel Ministry is the sole recognized human religion in the Kingdom of Asturia. It is a monotheistic faith that worships the creator of mankind called The Maker. While the church reveres a single god, the organization itself is grouped into three orders: the Azrinath, the Khir-Adun, and the Tandun.

Mythology & Lore

According to the Edicts of Divinity, mankind once lived in the presence of the Maker in a paradise beyond the stars. With their Maker they enjoyed an existence that was free of mortal needs and they were able to explore the mysteries of the universe with the knowledge granted to them by their God. However, it was not to last. Mankind became haughty and insolent; they attempted to use the gifts granted to them in order to become more powerful than their Creator. The Maker was greatly saddened by this but knew that mankind must pay a penance for their actions. Thus, He cast them out of Elysium and down to the earth, where He hoped they would one day atone for their transgressions.   Since that day, mankind has lived on the earth without guidance and the grace of their Maker. There they dwelt and knew hunger, sadness, and fear for uncounted generations. It was then that the Maker decided that man’s time of penance was nearing its end. In dreams, He called out to His chosen Prophet, Khirdan Gazel, to journey to the Cloudy Mountain and await His word. Khirdan did as he was commanded and travelled to the Mountain where he waited in silence for 100 days. At the end of his wait, he was filled with the Divine Will of the Maker and was thus compelled to pen the Edicts of Divinity—the holiest scriptures of the religion that would come to bear his name.   The Edicts outline the penance that mankind must complete before it can return to Elysium. They state that it is mankind’s duty to purge itself of its sins and return to a state of physical, mental, and spiritual purity; the state that the Edicts call the Triune Essence. Then, using their restored Essence, will the path to the stars will open to them. This time is referred to as The Reawakening: the day that the Maker will reveal Himself to mankind and show them the path to Elysium. The Gazel Ministry believes that it is man’s fate to return to Elysium and once again live in the presence of the Maker.


The clergy of the Gazel Ministry is made up of three Orders. Each Order reflects a facet of the Maker.  

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