Fargrave City Settlement in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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Fargrave City

Prosperity. Purpose. Fargrave.   -HA colonial advert
  The largest city on the surface of Fargrave (and its namesake), Fargrave City is Harrison Armory's oldest colonial settlement in the Midland Archipelago.


Many young Armory entrepreneurs and engineers make Fargrave City their home. Hoping to make their mark on the corpro's ledger, the city is littered with pockets of these studious enclaves.   Beyond this, Fargrave City's population is relatively diverse in age and profession, though the Armory's core values are much more pronounced here than in neighboring settlements.


Within the city proper, HA maintains an orbital invasion defense platform, though it's never been used. A large contingent of HA forces reside in the city, though often awaiting transit out of sector. The city also benefits from the nearby UN fleet at Yangra Station.

Industry & Trade

Primary industries in the city proper are colonial outfitting and design engineering. Large shipping docks support the former, while the latter is found in the large firm hubs at the city center.


Fargrave City has two massive drydock spaceports that support larger vessels and countless shuttle pads throughout the city. Orbiting the same star as Yangra Station, these spaceports are used constantly. Extensive solar farms adorn the bluffs that ring the crater the city resides in.   While many in Fargrave City ride the autonomous ground shuttles that litter the streets, there exists and older and more rudimentary rail transit system under the city. Now an aging relic, it's seen as a homage to the infamous subterranean rail systems of Ras Shamra.


Fargrave city has massive stores of resources for colonial missions, at-scale mechanized chassis production, and signals technology. These stores are often on contract to missions bound for more distant systems, supporting the Armory's greater aspirations.
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