Fargrave Geographic Location in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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Being from Ras Shamra myself, Fargrave feels like home. Granted here at least there's a view.   -Ikra Iban, Colonist
  A small moon once completely uninhabitable, Fargrave was terraformed and colonized by Harrison Armory's Colonial Legionnate. It is the Armory's stepping stone into the Midland Archipelago, being a relatively young planetoid in regards to colonization but enjoying the wealth of core status under Union.


Riddled with dusty crags and deep craters, Fargrave resembles most small moons in terms of geological features. The thin atmosphere that exists is most dense in basins and craters. Due to the terraforming that has taken place, the originally loose soil of the upper strata is now firm and rooted.


Originally barren, Fargrave was terraformed via the intentional introduction of invasive flora. Oxygen and nitrogen densities are highest at the lowest points of the moon, creating habitable and breathable areas in craters and basins. Aside from this invasive flora, the only other plants and animals are in habitated areas, imported to Fargrave. They seldom spread beyond population centers, since the raised surface of the moon cannot sustain more than the invasive flora itself.


Colonized by Harrion Armory in the early days of the Third Committee, Fargrave was long seen as a simple moon not valuable beyond its natural resources. It stands out as a young, emerging colonial project in one of the oldest settled systems in the galaxy.
Planetoid / Moon
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