Void Rangers Organization in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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Void Rangers

Do not approach. Do not attempt contact. There is nothing, now. The Void has been established.   -Void Rangers transmission after the capture of Scion I


The Void Rangers' hierarchy is an enigma. The transmissions are unsigned, and do not accompany ranks. Any leader, if there is one, does not name themselves publicly.


Averse to direct piracy and un-contracted assault, the Void Rangers maintain a thick fog regarding their inner machinations. Initiation, whatever the process might be, is not spoken of. Those that join the Void Rangers cut all ties with previous contacts, friends, and family.

Public Agenda

The only known objective of the Void Rangers is the holding of Scion I, they no longer accept contracts from Harrison Armory.


The Void Rangers were formerly a privateer force contracted by Harrison Armory. During that time, they acted as a last-line assault force within HA space. When scenarios would present themselves that were dire enough to attract the eye of Union itself, the Void Rangers were sent in to eliminate the threat, staying Union's hammer.

The Void has been established.

Illicit, Syndicate
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations

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