
Cyrellion is the High Ranger of Dalendra'thira.  As High Ranger Cyrellion is responsible for the martialing of Saeli warriors, which includes both intelligence, training, and command.  He is thought to be a competant commander, and a skilled swordmaster, prefering to lead from the front.  He has a severe personality, and low tolerance for humans, dwarves, or lesser elves.  He often finds himself at odds with the other High Council members.     Cyrellion was a child during the outset of the War of Ashes, and spent his younger years training as a soldier, learning to use magic to augment his swordsmanship.  He was with the strike force that, alongside Celestine demon hunters, drove Gluttony back.  He is the only elf to have been on every single mission to recover items from the lost half of the city.


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