
The capital city of the Saeli Elves and city state in the Celestine Empire. Little is known about the city itself, it is mostly associated with the artisanry and magic of the Saeli. Captured and occupied during the War of Ashes by the demon Gluttony, Dalendra'thira and the elves that lived there suffered greatly. Calling for aid from their allies, none were able to reach the city to aide the Saeli. After it's twin city, Gwintalatir was totally razed, the Saeli resistance within the city waned. Following the Battle of Fates Dawn, part of the city was liberated with the aid of the The Heavenly Chorus, in exchange the Saeli would provide the new Celestine Empire with a wealth of resources. The demon Gluttony was wounded and retreated to a more fortified position. The elves of Dalendra'thira sealed off half the city, and sealed themselves off, outside of their research towers and the payments to the Empire.    

Notable Inhabitants


Palace of the Magi

This palace houses the leaders of Dalendra'thira. During the War of Ashes the palace was the only place that the demons were unable to capture, due to the immensely powerful wards. The only Saeli who survived the war were those who were able to take refuge within the palace. Now it is a symbol of governance and the Saeli resilience. It also holds what little that was able to be recovered from the Spire of Lore.  This is where the High Counil gathers for official meetings.  

Grove of Memories

The Grove of Memories is a forest where dead Saeli are now buried. The origional grove is now the rampantly growing Dead Forest. The Saeli do not age, and rarely become sick, however after the war sickness, in particular wythering, which has caused many elves to perish much earlier. In the center of the grove is a pond where the House of Healing can be found, where this disease is treated.  This region is the domain of the High Healer.    

Spire of Travel

The Spire of Travel is an elegant tower that holds complex teleportation circles on each floor, one for each of their outpost towers around the world.  The High Arcanist oversees the spire.  

Constructs Conclave

Here you can find the arcane factories and forges where the most skilled of the Saeli engineer arcane golems that they use to help suppliment their dwindling population. They are made using forged Aetherite techniques and can usually perform a variety of tasks.  This is the domain of the High Technomancer.  

Artisans Conclave

The Artisans Conclave was an important cultural reestablishment for the Saeli following the war. Much of Saeli culture was based around their immortality, and the ability to take a great amount of time to perfect a craft. This is where many of the goods that are shipped to the Empire are created.    

Hall of Coins

The Halls of Coins houses the great wealth of the Saeli, and also acts as a warehouse for products shipped to the Empire. This is generally the only portion of the city the Celestine or Hoss merchants are permitted to visit.  This is where the Saeli Emisarry can usually be found.  

The Dead Forest

The Dead Forest was origional Grove of Memories, but now the spirits of fallen elves buried here have grown restless and angry, spreading the forest throughout the city and terrorizing anyone who enters its borders.  

Spire of Lore

The Spire of Lore was once said to house a thousand, thousand tomes of the knowledge of the Saeli, from back before they even came to the Mortal Realm. It was once the most guarded place in the Mortal Realm, with myth telling us the only being to ever sneak in being Aethelfaer. Its loss was a massive blow to the elves, however some of their documents were able to be recovered before the city fell, and there have been missions to recover more, although those ended some time ago.  

Hall of Gluttony

This black iron hall, built by the demon occupies, is where the wounded Gluttony is rumored to be holed up in. Massively defensible, it still swarms with hosts of Gluttony's demonic forces, who scoure the dead city to bring him more to consume.
Large city


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