
A city state in Celestine known for its sculptors, tailors, and museums. It is ruled by a royal bloodline whose current monarch is Princess Eloise Augustine III. Bishop Roy Germanus is the highest ranking member of the church in Edeau and acts as governer in matters concerning law.  

Notable Inhabitants

  Eloise Augustine III    Roy Germanus    Gerard Larousse    Franklyn Cooper 

The Icewine Vineyards

  The vineyards of Edeau are unique in that climate of Edeau is perfect for the production of icewine, a fortified spirit that can be made especially sweet, and is treasured by many, especailly the noble class.  There are currently four vineyards operating in the city.  Cooper's Vineyard is the newest, a recent start up of a retired millitary man who purchased the land at a discount, after the previous vineyard here went out of business after a series of unfortunate fires.  The Icevine and Winter Spirits vineyards have been around for longer, and are more established.  They are owned by two older Edeau families.  They are operated by hired workers, as the families rarely make their way from their estates in the Haute Court to the vineyards themselves.  Finally there is the Scarlet Frost Vineyard, which is by far the largest.  There are rumors that they are associated with the criminal organization, L'Epine Mortelle, and is where they are able to produce an elicit substance called Fathom.    

Cathedral of Saint Massimillian

  One of the grandest cathedrals in the Empire, the Cathedral of Saint Massimillian is dedicated to it's eponymous saint.  The holy artifact, the Sword of Saint Massimillion, resides there, permanantly aflame, and is a major attraction to pilgrims and those visiting the city for recreational means.  This is also the seat of Bishop Roy Germanus, who governs both Edeau and the region from this seat.    

Le Bouclier

  Le Bouclier is an ancient castle and houses the Royal Guard.  The Royal Guard is responsible for the security of the city and reports directly to the Prince or Princess of the city.  Although their mandate in the eyes of tradition and the people of the city is absolute within the walls of the city, they do have some oversight from the Imperial Church, which is a cause of frequent friction in Edeau.

Garrison of Light

  The Garrison of Light is a more recently constructed fortification by the Imperial Church.  While they technically do not have authorization to operate within the city, they are a permanant millitary garrison of the Imperial Empire and can be activated at will by the Bishop in times of emergency.

Haute Court

  Haute Court is the part of the city where only the wealthiest reside.  Its location next to the city bridge is was intentional to remind all those in the city who travel between each side of the greatness that it's eldest families have brought to the city, but many common folk would tell you it has the opposite effect.


  The Artist-Monter is a region in the city that contains all of the art galleries, museums, and theaters.

Royal Palace and Augustine Fountain

  The Royal Palace is the home to the Augustine family, the royal bloodline of Edeau.  The magnificent foundtain was constructed shortly after the War of Ashes in their honor.

Throckmortor Isle

  Throckmortor Isle is home to the Throckmortor family, a wealthy and influential family within the Empire.
Large city


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