Great Sentinel Tree Temple

The Great Sentinel Tree Temple is located in the Renhunt forest and is the largest temple outside of Dol Gorak, housing three spirit beasts, Nago the Ancient, Ceranos the Forest King, and Tiltup, who take the forms of a boar, stag, and otter respectively.   Notable Inhabitants    

The Spirits of the Great Sentinel Tree Temple

  There are three spirits that call the lands around the temple home. Ceranos the Forest King, a great stag, is principle among them. It is said his bond grants leaders great wisdom. Ceranos is bonded with Roaming River, who is seen as leader of the temple to most. Nago the Ancient, takes for form of a massive boar. He is elusive, despite is massive size, believed to emasure over twenety feet from hoof to shoulder. He cares little for those few mortals he accepts as kin, and is aggressive to anyone else. Nago is bonded to Lichentusk, a strong willed, young Runidiri, with a different vision for the future. Finally there is the youngest spirit, Tiltup, the otter spirit. Tiltip is a playful trickster, and can sometimes be seen speedying through the streams and brooks throughout the Renhunt, or lounging on his back in the myriad of ponds and lakes. He is boned to a soft spoken Runidiri called Sunorchid.    

Well of Lost Stars

  Also called the Skywell by some, the Well of Lost Stars is a pool of enchanted water, infused with ancient starlight, that sits at the zenith of the Great Sentinel Tree. It is capable of giving those who peer into it's depths mysterious visions of what was, what is, or what may still come to pass. However there is great risk, as those who do attempt to gain it's knowledge risk losing their mind to the pool, for eternity.
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